Black holes are just another non-existent theory.
Like the Big Bang, the theorized early non-oxygen environment; the origin of life from non-living materials; the chance production of protein molecules; and evolution of life-forms from one phylum, class, order, or family into other ones,—black holes look good on paper but do not exist in reality.
This is the evolutionists’ reasoning: "We know that black holes (‘singularities’) exist, because some sources emit a lot of X-rays. If a lot of X-rays are coming from a single source, it must be a black hole." Based on this, they have invented accretion disks, capturing and evaporating black holes and mini-black holes. The only evidence for black holes is X-rays from outer space. Remember that.
Remember that.
Didn't Spock say that to McCoy in Star Trek II?
Anyway, rumor has it Stewart has be offered the Lucasian chair at Cambridge as Hawking's successor. He knows everything about black holes, much more than anybody else, and he can explain it all in such simple terms.
the origin of life from non-living materials
....which is what YOU, or anyone who takes the Bible close to literally, believe too! Genesis 2:7 - "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground," etc.
The only evidence for black holes is X-rays from outer space.
....and observations of gravitational waves, and motions of stars near the center of the Milky Way.
By this point, I guess I really shouldn't be surprised when this guy demonstrates he doesn't know what he's talking about....and that I can prove that simply by looking at Wikipedia for two minutes.
the origin of life from non-living materials; the chance production of protein molecules; and evolution of life-forms
We are all made of Star Stuff
-Carl Sagan, "Cosmos"
Just seven words which speak more profoundly than anything you can possibly spew on your s(h)ites, Davey-boy. Or ever will.
By this point, I guess I really shouldn't be surprised when this guy demonstrates he doesn't know what he's talking about....and that I can prove that simply by looking at Wikipedia for two minutes
I guess the job interview at NASA didn't work out for him.
Like all those Baptist Churches in Guam - when he thought he knew more than them - he'd get thrown out of that: and therefore all other scientific establishments, in the first five minutes.
Short Eyes, it's easy to prove that black holes do exist, & there is one on top of your neck.
It amuses & baffles me why people who are so appallingly stupid that they have to be reminded to blink ever try to wax intellectual about science, the one subject they know nothing about. Actually, scratch that. They know nothing about nothing, & science is just one of the many things they are proudly ignorant of.
What does evolution have to do with black holes?
Evolution = science
Black holes = science
Science =/= bible stories
Therefore, evolution = black holes = science = evil Satanic plot to turn people away from God.
It never crosses these idiots minds that one can still be a Bible-Head and still support real science.
The Big Bang and Black Holes could just have "Goddidit" attached to it.
"Let There Be Light!" could refer to The Big Bang itself!
The Adam & Eve story could be an allegory of how the human species evolved, learned to reason, began to comprehend Right & Wrong but became prone to choosing Wrong....thus, "sin".
While 1-2 events in the 6-Day Creation Narrative are out of place, it still roughly follows the general progression of when certain types of life popped up in the Evolutionary record. First there's sea life and creepy critters, then bigger critters, then humans.
Abrahamics have accepted Evolution, an Ancient Creation, etc. for years without losing faith.
Frummies are huge idiots and bullies who only use religion to achieve power over others and who have no imagination or understanding of metaphors.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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