Lucian Apollo Zalmoxe Aeli #conspiracy
How can we protect ourselves against ISIS and Russia and China and the duality of the Illuminati and the NWO
My dear friends
most complex solutions have very simple problems
there is a treaty made in 1967 between Romania and France and USA
between Giscard-dÉstaign and Ceausescu by which all three named above countries are forbidden to develop the high technologies invented by Nicolae Tesla and Henri Coanda around the years 1893-1945
these includes:laser,plasma,antimatter,death ray,transmission of electrical current wirelessly by using Tesla Coils,flying saucers,antigravity turbines,jump engines into 4d and 5d and 7 d and 10d and of course,stargates:)))
Well I propose that after 50 years we shall abolish this infamous treaty
the industrial base of France is 10x that of Romania and that of USA is 100x
you can produce much more plasma tanks and flying saucers than we can
simply head on to,the file is called atlantean_technology.docx,the login is and pass is Caligulas36
those are simple descriptions of techs not tech descriptions:)
Romania is in the first row of a Russian or Chinese or Arab agression
our vice prime minister is Sevil Shaideh and her husband is a syrian spy
I made this proposal for a french spy on 1st of january 2016 but Dracula said that I am not to be trusted
and someone else is needed
someone like him who steals laptops from Paris student houses and sells them back to Romania
and who destoyes with a hammer the crystal ball with Tour D Eiffel and the macbook pro and macbook air received from Artemis in his bathroom so I dont get them when I am 40 years old
yeah maybe someone else is needed but the Illuminati(and dracula is one) want to arm ISIS as well with flying saucers
we must not allow this to happen
the nephew of Bin Laden and Obama is not to have them and attack Paris with them...
that is all
peace with you be on the Europe's day 9th of may 2017
Apollo with love
Lucian Aeli