It [a thread about the supposed origins of the Illuminati] was well documented and well written. Its funny how far the rabbit hole goes for the Illuminati, but you need to go back much earlier to the priest of Summeria, Eygpt, Sumer and Atlantis days even. The reptilian elites are behind the illuminati. Go even deeper the Illiminati controls all religions, Big Pharma, Military organisations and offcourse Banks as in Rothschilds. Most of the modern banks are related to them behind the scences.
Well, it's interesting, but Freemasons say this about themselves. Get a copy of the book ?Mystic Masonry" by J.D. Buck. It's available online and is one of several books that could be considered the 'Bible' of Masonry. It straight up claims that modern Freemasons are practicing the same occult arts as the priests of Egypt, Babylon, etc., and confirms that Freemasons believe in Atlantis and in fact believe that they are descended from Atlanteans. This is not a conspiracy book. It's a mainstream book recommended by many Freemasons I know.
The Atlantis thing is interesting. I don't believe in Atlantis, per se, but I do believe in the Flood described in Genesis. According to the Bible, the Earth was full of wickedness before the flood to the point that God had to wipe it out and start over again. This became the basis for the Atlantean myths, so when Masons and others (particularly in the New Age movement) say that they want to go back to Atlantis or reawaken the powers of Atlantis, they're saying that they want to go back to a demonic golden age when all of humanity was in open rebellion against God. Very frightening stuff.
Well, I agree banks do seem to have gone a bit off course lately, but apart from that ... you know, you'd think that after all these centuries the Illuminati would have got themselves organised and sorted out a proper One World Government and stuff instead of farting about with half-arsed conspiracies all the time. Also, wouldn't 'Summeria' be the same place as Sumer?
I see Nuts4Life is still nuts.
The funny thing is that, until then, the only sources vaguely talking about them go back to the seventeenth century. And,nope, they don't talk about reptilians.
...Is there anything they DON'T think the Illuminati have a tendril in? The way this is going, I expect to see a form of Gnosticism that deems the Illuminati as the mortal agents of the Demiurge, existing continuously from the first appearance of humans.
The Illuminati was founded by Adam Weishaupt in 1776. Despite the name's current connotations (but in full agreement with what it means in Latin) it was a harmless, liberal group a la Benjamin Franklin's Junto, and was shut down about a decade later by the government. You fail history forever.
@ Skyknight:
That pretty much already exists. See David Icke for the secular version, and Alex Jones for the fundie Christian version. Neither is exactly Gnostic, but they come very close.
No, the Illuminati was a private club that existed & disappeared 200 years ago. For some reason, though, the conspiracy theorists think they're an all-powerful and totally secretive group with magic powers who control every single tiny aspect of all human existence.
Which brings to mind two questions: if they're so secretive, how come all the conspiracy theorists know about them, and if they're able to control everything that happens around the world, what good does it do to know about it if there's nothing you can do about it?
Who cares? Occult practices are just as much made up bullshit as any religion out there.
When I first came across this, I got whiplash from the transition from fanfic history to space Jew reptiles then back to banking.
It's like a batshit sandwich, only the buns are crazy too. But less.
Hahahahaha! You believe in the flood!? Reality check needed!
My comment is not CTSDT worthy, because I do not believe in Atlantis, magic, etc. My point is that Freemasons believe this about THEMSELVES. It is in their own textbooks and I show you page and paragraph if you want. Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike is another example. If these people believe this about themselves, then they are indeed a disturbing and bizarre group that needs to be exposed as the occultist playground that it is!
So 6,000 yrs of trying to take over the world and they haven't managed to do it yet?!?!?!?!?
Does the illuminati remind anyone else of Pinky and the Brain?
Come to think of it, a better question would be, what are the Illuminati NOT in control of, in this worldview. (With the exception of the conspiracy theorists, obviously. But I still expect that they consider good to at least be more ancient than evil...)
What. The. FUCK!? Do you even listen to yourself?! You say you don't believe in magic then you say you believe the flood and that the Freemasons are an occult playground!! What the hell do you think that Occultism entails? Or the flood, which is utterly and completely impossible on every last conceivable level? It's magic! There IS NO OTHER WORD FOR IT!! Magic, magic, MAGIC!! Or, in the context of reality instead of fiction, it's horseshit.
Its funny how far the rabbit hole goes for the Illuminati, but you need to go back much earlier to the priest of Summeria, Eygpt, Sumer and Atlantis days even
You take the blue pill, and the story ends, you never wake up and all your two friends will attend your funeral. You take the red pill, and stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the Illuminati conspiracy really goes.
Nah, just fooling with ya. The red pill is cyanide as well. Either pick will do the world a service.
Yes those Reptilian aliens are in control of everything now that you have it worked out you will be removed from this planet and feed to the space turtle floating around Mars that is the real reason for gravity and tides.
His4Life...LMAO. No really I am. You are CSTDT worthy with that post. Thinking the Flood really happened due to a heavily translated and man written book is on the same level as thinking putting on robes and chanting will do some sort of magic.
You're not going back far enough. The Illuminati actually started in the Stone Age. And the reptile elites control every media and retail outlet in the entire world, and they own and control all of the Internet too. In fact, you might just be one of them spreading disinformation.
Maybe we should say that the COSMOS ITSELF is an Illuminatus...Wait, we kind of have that in the Warhammer games with Tzeentch and (at least in the 40,000 universe) the Warp, don't we?
Why are my opinions "uninformed?" I gave you a source for my claims (Mystic Masonry, author: J.D. Buck - a real book published by the Freemasons). I'm not saying that I believe in magic, atlantis, etc. I'm telling you what Freemasons and other satanic organizations say about themselves in their own literature.
That's the point, you silly little woman. You CLAIM not to believe in Atlantis or magic or the occult or what have you, BUT YOU REALLY DO BELIEVE THEM. You are a LIAR. You say you don't believe in magic. Explain miracles, talking snakes, floods that cover the entire world, prophets and their parlor tricks, and God itself. THOSE ARE ALL FUCKING MAGICAL!!
As for the Occult, the bible mentions "witchcraft" and other black magics actually being used and being effective. By your own admission, since it's in that hilariously awful pile of cover-to-cover bullshit you call a holy book, YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE IN IT!!
Can you engage without resorting to misogynistic terms, please? I never admitted that I believe in magic. I am describing an influential group that practices and believes in magic. Obviously, you know that I'm a Christian, so I believe in supernatural activity, both good and evil. The flood, etc., are acts of God in my opinion, therefore they would be classified as miracles. "Magic" is a human attempt to use supernatural power and even most occultists would agree with me on this one point at least. So any act of God is not magic. Yes, the Bible does talk about witchcraft, etc., and forbids dabbling in it, but it does not say they are 'effective.' It forbids us from dabbling in those activities because they are a waste of time and distract us from the real source of power, God. Obviously you don't believe this or agree with me, but those are my beliefs.
At no point did I call you anything misogynistic, like "bitch", "cunt", what have you. Misogyny implies I think you're inferior/hate you due to the fact that you're female, which I don't. I think you're (mentally) inferior, but not because you're a female, dummy, it's because you're completely blinkered by your silly religion. Your sight of reality is blocked by a wall of meaningless text.
As for magic, I deny you the luxury of splitting hairs on the issue. It's like you're insisting that there's a difference between a Faun and a Satyr. Magic is simply breaking reality and physical laws with no explanation, whether it comes from a God or a Witch- there is no fucking difference. It's ALL bullshit, and it's ALL a lie. There is no breaking the laws of entropy, and I prefer to believe the force that has NEVER EVER EVER proven wrong, the force I can observe in EVERYTHING I have ever personally seen- I would prefer to believe THAT than old, false words on a page that reality itself disproves.
But hey, that's just me. Maybe you find it more agreeable to be completely in the dark, believing in magic and witches and unicorns and global floods and talking snakes, hissing at the sight of shellfish and mixed clothing. But don't ask me to respect these ridiculous things just because they're your beliefs. Beliefs do not all deserve the same level of respect, and the level of respect your beliefs command is less than zero.
Again, I didn't call you any names. Feel free to quote me on that. I only described how amusingly gullible and stupid you are for falling for such blatant lies. Your beliefs deserve zero respect, regardless of whether you're pushing them on other people or not. Imagine what you would do if a 38-year-old mentioned, in all seriousness, that they believed in Santa? Would you ridicule them, inform them how wrong they are? Even if they weren't pushing that on everyone?
The reason I can't respect your beliefs is that they have done absolutely nothing to deserve it. You are wrong, and you would rather continue believing your lies rather than accepting the fact that you are wrong. That's unacceptable, particularly in conjunction with how astoundingly, hilariously false they are. You aren't just a little wrong, you're wrong about every last aspect of science and reality. So don't be surprised when people don't take your ancient mythology any more seriously than the Greek Gods.
Ahahahaha! Is that so? Typical Christian projection.
"You're not open to even considering my point of view or what I have to say here."
Ha, that's rich! Coming from the person that refuses to believe in science!! A person that probably would admit that no amount of contrary evidence could ever shake her faith!
But you're right, I ain't giving your tired old bulshit the time of day until you surprise me with something new- some evidence, for a change. Not gonna happen.
"Enjoy taking it in the butt from the devil!"
Isn't that convenient! "I'm right, and you'll see! You'll see eventually when you die!!!" Nice try, good for a laugh, but that's about as compelling as the wierd kid who insists that his imaginary vampire best friend is gonna kill the principal and the school bully. Newsflash: there is no hell. And you have NOTHING to prove otherwise.
Enjoy having your arguments completely hamstrung by the sheer weight of science and fact until the end of your life, His4Life.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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