Donald J. Trump #wingnut

So sad to see my sons being PERSECUTED in a political Witch Hunt by this out of control, publicity seeking, New York State Judge, on a case that should have NEVER been brought. Legal Scholars Scream Disgrace! My $WORTH is far GREATER than on Financial Statements, plus they contain a full DISCLAIMER CLAUSE telling readers of this information to do their own due diligence and analysis. ALSO, their Star Witness admitted on the stand that he LIED, a big story not covered by the press. Banks and Insurance Companies made money, not even a minor default, and there were NO VICTIMS, except for the people getting mugged and murdered on the sidewalks of New York while our Corrupt Attorney General sits on her ass in Court all day watching the Trump family be abused by a Trump Hating Judge that said a Billion Dollar house is only worth $18,000,000 Million Dollars!!!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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