Congrats to the gays that matter, white men with disposable income. You leapfrogged over women, POC especially black people.
One, that's not how that works. Two, guys this is fucking unheard of. A FUNDIE HAS CONCERN FOR THE PLIGHT OF POC AND WOMEN! Yeah what he's saying is wrong, BUT HE CARES ABOUT PEOPLE OTHER THAN WHITE CHRISTIAN MALES! THE PIT HATH FROZEN OVER!
This isn't a fundie. This is a person complaining about the social order, where wealthy white men obtain their status much easier than women and people of color. I dunno about the "especially black people" part, given the abundance of evidence that Native American / First Nation peoples typically have the highest unemployment rates, but the point is, definitely not fundie.
I have to wonder why this is even here.
Homosexuality, gender, ethnicity, and social class are all different issues, facing different hurdles. Yes, a white, wealthy, gay man will have an easier time than an impoverished black woman, but so too will a wealthy, straight, black man over a poor, white lesbian.
LGBT equality is important.
Gender equality is important.
Ethnic equality is important.
Social equality is important.
There is no point fighting amongst ourselves, nor begrudging others their hard-fought successes.
That being said, this is not some fundamentalist. This is just someone tired of being trodden on by the privileged, lashing out at seeing advances being made for other minorities whilst there are still great strides to made for their own. It's stupid, but understandable.
@What I'd Do: @Happy Atheist: I may have misread this earlier, and if I can edit out my earlier comment I will. Upon a second reading, it looks like one of two things.
1) He's saying gay rights winning doesn't matter because other groups are still suffering and same old rich conservative white dudes are still running everything.
2) He's using that as an excuse to hate teh gaiz because he thinks they're the aforementioned old rich conservative white dudes.
I hope it's the former, but given the mental gymnastics some bigots go through, I wouldn't be surprised if it's the latter.
@What’d I do
I know! Great isn’t it? Also, I don’t believe i’ve seen your username before. I might have, I am delusional moron with memory issues (unless it’s transformers related) after all, but if you are indeed new, WELCOME TO THE BOARDS! We are not responsible for injuries incurred by face palms, head desks, and banging your head against the wall. We are also not responsible for insanity caused by the sheer stupidity of the quoted fundies.
Poor dolts, thinking that one group gaining civil rights must mean that other groups are stripped of civil rights. There are gay women (aka lesbians), gay POC's (including black gays and lesbians), dearie!
So, unless everyone get's equality at the same exact time, no one deserves equality? That make sooooo much sense! Sorry, gay white men, you can't marry until you solve the centuries old problems of racism and sexism! Have fun!
@What'd I Do
This is here because he's against gay people gaining rights, because he thinks that somehow hurts women and black people.
"YOU can't get your suffering fixed because OUR problems are so much WOOOOOOOOOOORSE!"
That's basically what he's saying, and that's why it's fundie.
Does that clarify things?
How about you fight for economic equality instead because that's still the biggest thing that divides the races.
Oh, and homosexual black men and lesbians are still allowed to get married anywhere LGBT marriage is legal.
Anonymous, that is absolutely not what I got from this. Frankly I'm not sure you understood the quote. I see no indication that this person objects to gay rights. Rather, it seems like frustration at the fact that even in the gay community, famous for its diversity and intersectionality, wealthy white men are again at the forefront of social and legal advances, with lesbians and people of color being secondary to the movement.
@What To Do
It's possible I misunderstood the quote, and if I have, I apologize and take it back.
However, a2nite specifically accused gay white men of "leapfrogging over women and POC", which clearly means gay white men somehow "took advantage" of others just by gaining their rights.
That was the source of my own discontent with this quote, I can't speak for others.
If, however, I've misunderstood, then I apologize for my error.
Went to the original. It seems a2nite was just lashing out because of the Indiana RFRA compromise (an LGBT victory), and obviously feels like other causes aren't gaining much ground compared.
Still wrong, though. This is a victory for all LGBT people. Lesbians, bisexual women, and LGBT members of minority races. To assume that only white gay men will be the only ones to benefit is a very narrow view.
But it's probably something stated in anger and not from a bigoted point of view.
So why was this comment made? Do equal marriage rights only apply to rich white gay men, and lesbian or black gay couples don't get to benefit from those legal protections now? (Admittedly, a marriage license isn't free, so you can point to class if you want to really stretch - but the legal protections are important and it's hardly buying a house!)
Is it because refusing service to gay people only means refusing service to rich white gay people, as though fundie business owners cater to lesbian couples or couples where one or both members isn't white?
The absolute nicest reading of this comment on a post about Indiana backing down from anti-gay laws is it being an utter non-sequitur; most likely they've figured out that there are "liberals" will support outright homophobia if you preface it with the right adjectives and imply, despite any evidence whatsoever, that only the wrong gay people benefit.
I see this is your first encounter with the Oppression Olympics, so you don't understand it. Okay. First, you'll have to let go of the "evil oppressive conservatives vs a unified force of progressive good guys" thinking. It's a lot more fractured.
Is this anti-white racist or pro-white racist? The use of POC makes me think it's the former...
@us vs us vs us vs us vs them
I know it's fractured. There's not really a strong left wing in the US. That's why we need to build one. That's why I want to foster this type of unity. If people like this can work with us toward that end I'm sure we can accomplish great things.
@What I'd Do, Wykked Wytch, FELIX LÆTVS, et al.
Some context on a2nite, then.
For years, a2nite has advocated for police brutality, torture, and murder as long as the victims aren't black. She (a2nite is a black woman) supported a Daily Kos front-pager's calls for politicide; she taunted victims of terrorism because "they know how to play the media" and because Coulibaly and the Kouachi brothers were of African descent.
Lately, she's become increasingly homophobic, even if it's still subtle at this point. I can tell you the exact incident where it started: a fight on Daily Kos late last August between her and a gay, white, middle- or upper-middle class man that ended with his banning and no consequences at all for her.
a2nite is notorious on the Daily Kos for making hateful, bigoted comments. Over and over and over again. Why hasn't she been banned? Sadly, because she has a vigorous clique of militant defenders who protect her because she happens to be black. The hypocrisy is nauseating.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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