1965 was the pinnacle year for the white man - it's been downhill ever since!
1965. The nation oozed positivity and can-do attitude. Being a hard worker was rewarded, no-one had any illusions about socialism, we had a strong military and we successfully faced off the Soviets all around the globe. We were about to go to the moon, women knew their place in the society, mixed marriages were rightfully frowned upon and homosexuality was a strict taboo. Kids and teens obeyed their parents. Black people lived happily in their own niche and there was peace.
It's been downhill ever since. The white blood has been diluted via racial mixing, young kids are running wild with parents unable to control them, there is absolutely no ambition, everybody wants to slack off and there's absolutely no vision for space exploration or other major causes. Big corporations rule the world and we're mere serfs for them. If the elite could have its way, we'd be replaced by robots and cyborgs who'd work for no pay and we'd be quickly erased as "useless eaters". Confused people think they can change their sex. Homosexuality is not only accepted by promoted. Black people, muslims and other races are forcibly introduced into the white population to further weaken it and turn us into similar "we don't want to work - just give us free stuff!" leeches.
WTF happened?!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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