I believe that you should be punished for working hard, and your money given to pregnant teenage crackheads who have never worked and never will.
Given the quality and maturity of your post, I take it you belong in the teenage crackhead category.
I believe that Christianity must be replaced with Islam.
If that's typical of anyone, that person would be a Muslim, not a liberal.
I believe that George Soros and Sharia law are good for America.
Um, where I live George Soros spends a lot of money on getting young people to build a future without shari'a.
I believe that US troops are terrorists and should be killed by my ISIS brothers and sisters.
Which is why Obama, for whom liberals are proud voters, is currently using the USAF to bomb ISIS.
I believe that Israel should be bombed and the Jews driven into the sea.
That sort of belief exists on the left, but it's a pretty good indication that the person who holds it is no Democrat.
I believe that men deserve to be raped by women.
Not even feminist separatists believe this.
I believe that kids should be encouraged to smoke marijuana, but telling them to go to church is child abuse.
Odd, then that millions of liberal voters attend church with their families and don't smoke marijuana.
I believe that blow jobs are morally acceptable,
Show me in the Bible where it says blow jobs are wrong.
whereas animal testing is a heinous crime.
You see, right there you have an ethical standpoint with which you disagree, as has nothing to do with the Bible or religion. Now tell me that if there were no religion, we'd all be running around killing people.
I believe that killing cops is an exercise of freedom, whereas shooting black thugs makes you a racist fascist.
I believe that murder, whoever it's committed by, is wrong. You seem to have a problem with that.
I am a proud Obama voter, and will fight for whatever candidate in the next election is most like Obama.
If you believe the above, you don't want a candidate like Obama or anyone like him.