Have you ever been around pot smoke? Have you ever seen it?
Because it doesn't sound like you have. Cannabis doesn't really have second-hand smoke, as you call it. It doesn't usually burn from a lit cigarette, and thus it doesn't fill a room with smoke and smell that doesn't leave. When people smoke it, they inhale it, and hold it, and then less comes out.
Go to Denver or wherever. See for yourself.
And besides, how would that second-hand smoke hurt you? It doesn't cause cancer (like cigarettes).
10 bucks says I can smell him from ten feet.
Knew some guys in college like this, could smell them coming before I could see them half the time.
I really could care less as to what you're smoking, but don't tell me it doesn't stink. It does, a lot. And inhaling any smoke will harm your lungs and raise your cancer rate. Our lungs can't really handle anything other then air.
What you do with you recreational time is your business, but please be considerate to other people and don't smoke in public places.
Asthmatics would like a word with you.
Also, I probably have the world's worst sense of smell, but I can smell potheads a mile away.
I once lived in Amsterdam. Yes, you can tell.
All the same, stupid but not conspiracist.
I used to live with a pot smoker.
It smelled terrible, sent my allergies into hyperdrive, and gave me a headache if I stayed around it for too long.
I couldn't care less if you want to smoke pot. Just don't do it around me.
I'm all for legalizing weed, but don't pretend that it has no side effects (and don't make it out as some kind of wonder cure for all and everything, either). It ultimately undermines the point you are trying to make.
When people smoke it, they inhale it, and hold it, and then less comes out.
How is that not secondhand smoke? And if you're claiming that smoking pot doesn't leave a smell, you must be high. I've smelt it numerous times in public places.
Tell that to some of the rooms my mom's friends came out of. This is almost as dumb as the people that are complaining about the 'toxic second hand smoke' effects of scented water vapor...
I'm guessing you've never heard of hotboxing... or been to a Rush concert. We were outdoors, and the smoke was enough that we couldn't see the fence behind us.
"Cannabis doesn't really have second-hand smoke"
"It doesn't usually burn from a lit cigarette"
"it doesn't fill a room with smoke and smell"
Have you ever been around pot smoke? Have you ever seen it? Because it doesn't sound like you have.
"And besides, how would that second-hand smoke hurt you? It doesn't cause cancer (like cigarettes)."
Almost all of the studies I've seen were that THC was not carcinogenic. The health effects of the smoke have not been studied in depth, and the only one I've seen did show that the smoke was less harmful than tobacco smoke, but still harmful. The lower number of health issues linked to marijuana smoke mainly had to do with the lower frequency of use. Common sense tells you that inhaling the smoke off of any burning material is not going to be good for you. Considering the body's reaction to it is to cough and try to remove the smoke from the lungs, I'm not sure why you would think it's not harmful in some way.
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