Joe Btfsplk #fundie

[Joe, you are mistaken in your apparent belief that if someone disagrees with you, they are necessarily (or even likely) to be stupid or ignorant, or to have not thought through their beliefs.]

OK John, let's take one educated liberal idiot and use her as an example. Does she know how much the national debt is? Does she have any idea how much it will cost the taxpayers to provide health insurance for the over 40 million people who don't have it that she is crusading for? Does she have a plan to cut other government services or expenses to pay for it? HELL NO!!! I'm talking about Hillary Clinton, of course, and she, like the vast majority of liberals, doesn't give a damn how much it is going to cost the taxpayers to fund their little crusades for what they view as the greater good. She is a short sighted idiot who has no idea how to finance all of the "It takes a Village" crusades that she wants to load on the taxpayers backs. Their damned do gooder crusades are the major reason that we have an unbearable debt. It is time to get rid of the liberals and start electing fiscal conservatives so that, maybe, in thirty or forty years we can get the debt under control. The real trouble with "Liberals" is that they have been taught the do gooder philosophy from the time they first started being brainwashed in kinder garten. That is why liberals outnumber fiscal conservatives by a wide margin in this country and that is why in the near future, maybe as little as five years, this country is doomed to economic chaos. When I went to school they didn't brainwash children into the do gooder philosophy. If you do find a younger person who is a fiscal conservative, he/she either didn't attend the public schools or is an extremely intelligent person who saw through the brain washing.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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