Dirogo #racist topix.com

Blacks love to ignore the fact that genetics is way more responsible for their behavior than slavery- None of the black today ever experienced slavery yet they still claim it affected them. Yes-homeys- you are a product of your genetics. It makes you sink instead of float, it makes you tall and able to excel at BB ball- but it also make you violent, hyperactive and unable to achieve the classroom Except for those that have white blood. The lucky ones will also be dominated by their caucasian brains- like Obama. His father was an alcoholic who acted like a dog- had seven kids with three different women. And his mother was liberal NUT- I am sure her parent were NOT proud of her. But at least they did a good job raising the son she abandoned on them.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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