HEY, fucktards,
Oooooh, 1 Corinthians 6:10 says, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
Calling people ‘fucktards’ is reviling, you prideful, ignorant, fuckknuckle.
“you don't believe in the Bible.”
This is true.
“You don't believe in Jesus.”
This is also true.
“You can therefore make no claims, nor can you squawk about what the Bible says.”
This is not true. Nowhere does anything i hold to be true say that i am forbidden to comment on bible content.
“You never read it”
This is not true, but apparently YOU never read it, either. Else you wouldn’t violate Exodus 23:9 in the line above.
"You didn't want to conform to it.”
Well, no, i don’t want to own slaves. I don’t want to test my wife’s fidelity by forcing an abortion on her. I don’t want to kill my kid for sassing me or not doing chores. I don’t want to kill anyone for working on the Sabbath. I don’t want to rip my eye out for being attracted to women i’m not married to. I’d rather my doctor uses antiseptic than a lark’s tongue to cleanse the surgery.