David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
Men think differently than women. Whereas a man goes directly into a particular store, buys what he needs and then leaves; a woman will visit a dozen stores, look around and compare products for hours before purchasing anything. Men speak man, and women speak woman, and the Lord Jesus is the only interpreter.
Feminism is rebellion against God-ordained masculine authority. God intended for women to fulfil a SUBMISSIVE ROLE in the marriage, home and church. God created man to do work, and then God created the woman to help her man as he does that work. Notice that the Bible doesn't specify the woman's role in society, because the world has always been wicked (1st John 5:19). God wrote the Bible to believers, the saints, not to the wicked, except for the plan of salvation. If a person refuses to believe the gospel of Jesus Christ, then they'll never have the Holy Spirit and cannot understand spiritual things according to 1st Corinthians 2:14. What should be very obvious to the honest person is that along with the rebellion of American women—so also is lesbianism increasing, and the exploitation of underaged teen girls by television executives, and abortion, and divorce, remarriage, violence against men and a host of other related evils. On Valentine's Day 2013, a woman in Skokie, Illinois got angry at her boyfriend and bit his tongue off!
I could write volumes of books about the evils of what's happening today in American society regarding feminism and rebellion. As women are becoming masculine, men are having to take steroids to look abnormally masculine in order to differentiate between the sexes. There's nothing more repulsive than a rugged, tough, bossy woman. Women cops are something to laugh at, really.