Your scared to read the Bible because you know it is God's word and your afraid to see that.
Why can't fundies understand that not everybody believes in their God? In their fantasy world, even people of other faiths, or no faith at all, have to secretly believe in God "deep down inside." Bullshit.
The monster under my bed can whup your retarded god's ass any sabbath of the year, blivet. His book sucks hind tit as well, but what do you expect from a retarded and probably illiterate god?
Stupid fundies, assuming that their imaginary goat-fuck tribal chieftain is the Alpha and Omega.
I've read it. In fact I've read it in several versions, still have my Strong's and my Lion's about the house somewhere, and I think my thesis notes on the Song of Solomon are in a box in the attic.
And I still don't believe a word of it, anymore than a graduate in English Lit. who finaled in Joyce believes there really was a man called Leopold Bloom who did all the things written about him.
"Your scared to read the Bible because you know it is God's word and your afraid to see that."
The absurdity is that more Atheists than Christians have read the Bible in its entirety. It speaks volume. that Atheists actually encourage Christians to read their own Bible from cover to cover. Nothing produces Atheists faster.
My scared? No, my bored. I tried to read it, but got bored around all the "begat", and just skimmed through the rest.
You WISH it scared us. I've resourced it many times, that means reading parts of it. Probably more than you've done, certainly more than fundamentalists commonly do.
People like Hitchens, Harris and Dawkins have corrected Christian debaters on scripture (love that, one of them rare moments of bitchslap you get watching these debates.) by either correcting the wordage or pointing out the context of it's actual meaning. Also these guys, Especially Hitch, are very well read and catch them claiming non-Christian wisdom as Biblical.
Matt Dillahunty and the cast of Atheist Experience podcast is a great place to hear these smackdowns too.
In fact, I often thought I'd take the cheap school give out Bibles, cut the spine binding away to separate the pages, mix them up in a big rubbermade bin, come up with profound religious questions like:
How do we know God loves us?
What is his plan for Earth?
Why did he make us?
or other stupid shit like that, pull out a random page and a random verse on it and post it on a Christian website, once a day.
Because I think this is how some do it with how often they use a verse that doesn't answer the question in anyway.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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