Most atheists, while clinging to materialism, have very bizarre beliefs about things no one sees.
Sorry to be sarcastic, for example?. Well, I´ll be even more perverse, in which sense is it negative?
My only belief about things no one sees, is that it most likely doesn't exist, and if it does, that it doesn't influence my life in any way whatsoever.
Yes, bizarre, I know.
"Most atheists, while clinging to materialism, have very bizarre beliefs about things no one sees."
Show me your god, Andy. Show me your god.
Seriously Andy, have you ever really met an Atheist? I mean really?
You seem to come up with very bizarre beliefs about them yourself.
Yes, I admit it..I have a bizarre belief that fundy privates should be rubbed down with cheese wiz, and encrusted with Italian bread crumbs..and then covered back up so no one can see it. It will be our kinky little secret!
Most theists, while clinging to 2,000 year old desert scribblings, have very bizarre beliefs about things no one sees.
Curiously, my faltering faith in the Catholic Church and my desire to have fewer and fewer possessions coincide at the same point in my life.
And I don't believe anything on Conservapedia, so you're 2-0 this match, Andy.
Wow, Andy Schlafly claims to be psychic?
Think what a million dollars could do for your site, Andy.
No one sees x-rays, radio waves, or microwaves either. Or Andy's common sense, but that's another matter. (See Modern Myths )
No one sees x-rays, radio waves, or microwaves either. Or Andy's common sense, but that's another matter. (See Modern Myths )
So Andy, what colour is the sky in your world? It is orange in mine. Perhaps that is because no one else sees it like I do..... And I have strange thoughts about werewolves. I know nobody has seen one, but they must be real. And Vampires, and....and....
Atheists have bizarre beliefs? What's more bizarr; to think they are figments of imagination, or to think that it's some mysterious sky-daddy who judges everyone and everything, can do anything, but does nothing that can be proven as his actions? I think the second is more bizarr.
Yeah, let's look to the non-materialistic billionare heads of Wal-Mart, who selflessly gives all surplus back to their employees and to the communities in which their stores are situated.
Oh, wait...
Andy Schlafly, while inventing stuff like crazy, has very bizarre beliefs about Atheist's opinions.
Yeah, *Blush* I know Indie34, I just shamelessly took the easy one.
What? You mean, like a magical, all-powerful being who lives in the sky who created the entire universe and will send people he doesn't like to a place of torture for all eternity, while keeping the people he does like with him to worship him for all eternity? And a talking snake, magical Jewish guy who is killed & comes back to life and then flies up to the sky? And visions of dragons and beasts and other bizarre things?
Did I miss an official atheism memo?
"Most atheists, while clinging to materialism, have very bizarre beliefs about things no one sees."
And all Atheists know for a fact how a rainbow appears; whilst it doesn't physically exist, at least it can be seen.
Can't say the same about your 'God' - or your very bizarre 'belief' about a deity no-one sees, Andy Schaftafly.
Well done, you've breach the Masquerade. Big Brujah armed with lead pipes will be there shortly to give you a dirt-nap.
Kieranfoy, Malkavian Prince of Bangor.
PS: No one say Shcafly is crazy. Believe you me, and me you, that man is so far beyond crazy it ain't even funny (even by OUR standards).
He's fundie, and that's a whole new kettle of stupid-fish.
Frtunately, they're stupid-fish in a barrel.
I believe that people should do what is right- for the sake of doing what's right(not because they lust for rewards from the Sky Daddy, or because they're afraid of a scary place called "hell", or the Bogey- sorry, I meant, "Satan").
Very bizarre, isn't it?
Like Christians aren't materialistic. He thinks people believe that, Most Christians know better.
He thinks Atheists worship things, that their materialism has entered a spiritual realm where you worship things that don't even exist. He has no idea what an Atheist is.
And fundies, already immersed into supernatural nonsense, will accept any imagined concept as they've already been indoctrinated into believing things they can't see.
The Bible belt is the largest market for spiritual hucksterism, after all. And we've seen all the Ghost, witch and demons (who can be anything from a UFO to animated toys) believers they create. And then there's their belief that books, recorded music and TV show can be evil unto themselves and have powers.
Here is Andy Murray winning the ATP title against your 'Greatest Conservative Sports Star' Novak Djokovic in the O2 Arena very recently...:
Someone has a very bizarre belief: that he would underperform.
There's something nonexistent, never mind not seen: Your 'theory', Andy Schaftafly.
The above - and extremely seeable - trophy that is the material proof that Murray is now Number One in the world.
You don't even have subatomic particles of straw dust left to cling to, o spawn of Phyllis Schaftafly: who, fortunately, no one sees.
All ad hominem insults in this comment chain aside, I think Schlafly is right here for once. Pretty much everyone , including atheists, christians and even pastafarians, has weird beliefs that defy rationality. That's how human emotions and brains work.
It's just that some people work hard on getting rid of the more harmful of said irrationalities, others just improve a bit now and then but mainly focus on other things in life, and then some don't even try.
I don't think highly of most christian morals, but the one about looking at your own faults first and not your neighbor's is a good one that even atheists should stand by. And I think that everyone, even an Andy Schlafly, can bring up valid points that can show us where to improve ourselves. That doesn't make him not a hypocrite, but it's definitely the best way to maybe gain anything of value out of interacting with him.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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