David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

This introduction is particularly for the professed Christian reader who "celebrates" Halloween / HELLoween. The one who dresses their ignorant child like a devil, or a werewolf or a fairy witch or a magic-working purple dinosaur named Barney. Do you think this is GOOD in the sight of God? Perhaps you've never stopped to think about God's reaction to horror houses and creep shows and tarot card readers and witches. Perhaps you think Cinderella's fairy godmother is a "good witch". Maybe the "Wizard" of Oz is your favorite movie. Maybe in the old days you watched, "The Ghost and Mrs. (Somebody)". That's necromancy--intercourse with the dead. Necromancer is a Bible word (e.g., Deut. 18:11). I used to be very ignorant of all righteousness. When I was of the world, I probably watched more occult than most people. May I counsel you to shake the fuzz out of your head? What we often call "nostalgia" are the remnants of sorceries that have been worked on us. If you claim to know Christ will you stop to consider WHAT GOD THINKS?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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