This introduction is particularly for the professed Christian reader who "celebrates" Halloween / HELLoween. The one who dresses their ignorant child like a devil, or a werewolf or a fairy witch or a magic-working purple dinosaur named Barney. Do you think this is GOOD in the sight of God? Perhaps you've never stopped to think about God's reaction to horror houses and creep shows and tarot card readers and witches. Perhaps you think Cinderella's fairy godmother is a "good witch". Maybe the "Wizard" of Oz is your favorite movie. Maybe in the old days you watched, "The Ghost and Mrs. (Somebody)". That's necromancy--intercourse with the dead. Necromancer is a Bible word (e.g., Deut. 18:11). I used to be very ignorant of all righteousness. When I was of the world, I probably watched more occult than most people. May I counsel you to shake the fuzz out of your head? What we often call "nostalgia" are the remnants of sorceries that have been worked on us. If you claim to know Christ will you stop to consider WHAT GOD THINKS?
We've read the annual 'Halloween is evil' bullshit before, but really? The Wizard of Oz?
You are a sad, strange little man.
...or a magic-working purple dinosaur named Barney.
*tactical facepalm*
Perhaps you've never stopped to think about God's reaction to horror houses and creep shows...
Next you're going to tell me that horror video games and movies are sinful. Do only cowards end up in heaven?
And yet, when this tendency, to quote Orson Welles, of people to put a sheet over their heads and say "boo," is turned to celebrate the Christian calendar in the form of carnival, you still disapprove.
When I was of the world
Court reports suggest you still very much are.
You know that in The Wizard of Oz, the Wizard is in fact not a wizard, but a humbug, right? A stage-magician who's managed to trick people into thinking he can do magic.
And in the movie, it was all a dream anyway.
That's necromancy--intercourse with the dead.
Oh. Oh, I see what I'm doing wrong! All this time I thought raising the dead required spells. When I really should have been having intercourse with stiffs. Silly me!
Necromancer is a Bible word (e.g., Deut. 18:11)
Then why does it derive from Greco-Roman words?
The "Wizard" of Oz wasn't even a wizard. He was a liar and something of a scientist. I know you hate those even more (scientists, I mean. Liars are kindred spirits) what with their being demonstrably real but try to keep it straight. Goodness knows you people seem dedicated to doing that with everyone else.
And then he tosses in L. Frank Baum & Barney. Now, while I admit that Barney's pretty "infernal", I still think it's stupid. A cutesy kiddie show with a goofy, dentured purple tyrannosaur does not a "Satanic Horror" make.
Seems Stu is a malaproper, too. He has "necromancy" confused with "necrophilia". I'm surprised his bit from the other day didn't involve railing against male "groin-ocologists". Does he think "bibliophile" is an insult, too (like a certain guy who likes bananas)?
May a house drop on one David J. Stewart!
Do you think this is GOOD in the sight of God?
I don't think a god exists... so that's a nonsensical question.
Then again, YOU think he does... and what do you think he thinks about those who rape kids? (protip: he's actually ok with it as long as you pay the father)
God's reaction
Given the amount of shit that fucker thinks is "good", I don't care what his reaction is... certainly no more than I care what your reaction is to someone in fancy dress.
That's "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir," and it's one of the best movies ever, thank you very much! Also, she doesn't have a relationship with the ghost until she dies, herself.
Perhaps you've never stopped to think about God's reaction to horror houses and creep shows and tarot card readers and witches.
What's to think about? He's invisible. He has no discernible reaction. If God does, let Him tell us about it Himself, instead of leaving it to holier-than-thou busybodies to invent stuff.
Egads...not this shit again, especially not so soon. I don't usually start seeing this kind of dumb shit on my blog or FB page until the second or third week of September.
Christianity: Ripping off Pagan holidays then sucking the fun out of them for almost 2000 years.
In the real world Dave, all kids know is to dress up for fun, go around the neighborhood for fun, and get lots of candy for fun. They may even take in a haunted house for fun if one is around. Because in the real world Dave kids know that it's all for play.
Perhaps you've never stopped to think about God's reaction to child rape by priests, childhood cancer, hunger, rape, murder, abuse, and other human atrocities.
God's reaction is exactly what we would expect if he doesnt exist. It's always "they'll pay in the next life". Well, what if there ISN'T a next life?
"If you claim to know Christ will you stop to consider WHAT GOD THINKS?"
Yeah, you too.
All Saints/All Souls are two of the oldest holidays in Christianity, being documented to the mid 4th century. It started out on the 1st Friday after Easter, then was moved to May, and by the 8th century was being celebrated on Nov. 1. The scary stuff possibly derived from the realistic and gruesome "memento mori" depictions in Christian celebrations, especially in Spain, even more than from lingering pagan lore imported by the Irish.
Okay, Ibuki already knew that fundies hated Halloween because it features all the imaginary things they hate, as well as the fact that it inspires imaginative thinking in the form of kids creating their own costumes.
This is the first time she's seen necromancy get involved in the argument, though.
Ibuki would, but she already is!
This is too sad to bother with. But, folks, please note, the word "intercourse" does not apply exclusively to sex. It also means communication.
Do you think this is GOOD in the sight of God?
Since I rather dislike your "God", I don't care about what he thinks. What he calls good is actually evil.
Here's some reading for you...
Perhaps you've never stopped to think about God's reaction to horror houses and creep shows and tarot card readers and witches.
Only when fundies bring it up, and then only to point and laugh, and say "Yes, fundies. where fun dies! Ha ha ha ha"!, then I carry on about my business. See first point.
If you claim to know Christ will you stop to consider WHAT GOD THINKS?
My life has been considerably less deary since I left Christianity. That's the thing, I don't have to worry about what some cosmic bully thinks anymore.
@Ibuki: Maybe go as Gaige then?
Not too far from your usual wears robot arm aside.
On topic, this isn't even worth rebutting. It's the same argument as always, only notable because of the person who said it. Just ignore it frankly.
Necromancy is divining thew future through the use of corpses, or using body parts to perform ritual spells. Intercourse with the dead is necrophilia.
It's "The Ghost and Mrs Muir", and intercourse isn't even implied, not in the movie and not in the TV series.
How does one "watch more occult"? Do you see more blue, too?
"That's necromancy--intercourse with the dead."
What you're thinking of is 'necrophilia'. I would think you knew it, considering you accuse liberals of wanting it legalized in addition to gay marriage all the damn time, David.
Halloween (All Hallows' Eve) is a Christian holiday, stupid. It was a dangerous night, when all kinds of spirits and goblins were at large and you had to scare them away.
God has had decades, even centuries, to react to horror houses and creep shows and tarot card readers and witches. So far we've seen no reaction from him, whatsoever.
When you were of the world? Was that when you diddled little kids? What is God’s reaction to THAT?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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