David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
Out of Eden is a Hip-hop/ R&B/Gospel group of soul sisters who are actually sisters! Lisa Kimmey, Andrea Kimmey-Baca, and Danielle Kimmey. I think a more appropriate name for their group would be "OUT OF HELL." These women are imposters, exploiting the name of Jesus to make a fast buck. It is sad, and a clear sign of the apostate condition of America, when professed "Christians" act, dress, and sing just like the unsaved world. The idea that you can put improved lyrics to Satanic music, and then label it as "Christian" is wrong.
Also, look how these women are immodestly dressed. And who stands like that? The woman in the middle looks like she's having a problem or something. She looks like she needs a doctor. I'm not trying to be unkind, I am trying to make a good point—these so-called "Christian" women look and sing like heathens! The Bible, God's Word, states in no uncertain terms that we are to be separated from the Christ-rejecting world, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? ... Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you" (2nd Corinthians 6:14,17).
Their songs have been used in many screen productions such as Eddie Murphy's "Dr. Doolittle," Christina Aguilera's Diary (a lesbian whore), and The Chris Rock Show. This is evidence enough of their worldly status. They also appeared on the primetime UPN show Moesha (starring Brandy) and have been featured in several major magazine features and cover stories. In the photo to the right, the two sisters on each end are sitting like tramps.
Is this how a Christian woman should sit, like dogs? Don't get mad at me, I have 2 dogs and that's how they sit. These girls are bad news, serving the Devil, and ought to be ashamed of themselves for posing in such a lewd and unladylike manner. It's not just marketing tactics—nudity and sexual advertising are demonic! Clearly, this album cover is sexually suggestive. It's disgusting in the name of morality!