Blacks get jobs for the color of their skin....and now Gays get jobs for where they put their privates....and now some have passed laws making it a crime to bully someone if they are gay.....LOL
Yea this is a america I want my kids to be proud of......
You got it wrong. Gays and black are no longer NOT getting jobs because they are black or gay. Or rather, some lucky blacks and gays are getting jobs regardless of their skin-tone and sex-life. Nobody is getting a job because s/he is gay/black.
Bullying SHOULD be illegal, you idiot!
An America without prejudices and persecutions/bullying would be an America to be proud of, actually.
Yeah right, another internet bully who would run screaming if anyone even raised their voice to him in real life.
It is so easy to talk tough when you are on the internet, isn't it Kevin?
"Blacks get jobs for the color of their skin....and now Gays get jobs for where they put their privates...."
No. Generally the opposite happens.
"and now some have passed laws making it a crime to bully someone if they are gay....."
Oh! The horror !
Whatever will you closet cases do now to vent your pent up sexual frustrations?
"LOL" is not an acceptable form of punctuation, interjection or comment. Please use complete sentences that convey complete thoughts, else you look like a gibbering preteen lacking substance and with nothing of importance to say.
"Yea this is a america I want my kids to be proud of......"
You mean the real America or this bigoted, racist, homophobic, testosterone soaked fantasy version you seem to have?
Fine. Let's start with you then, shall we?
...of right-wing Fundamental ist Christians, so they can experience for themselves how it felt to be gay & black in years past, for them to be persecuted? After all, you can't be a True Christian unless you know how it felt to be hated, despised, beaten, tortured and murdered like your 'saviour'.
As the KKK did to blacks, and the likes of you did to gays.
You said it, I didn't.
[/Sauce for the Goose]
Before I can get a permission to kick your ass (legalizing Bullying), learn to use plurals and possessives correctly (and this comes from a Mexican). Also, as a person who was bullied all through Jr. Highschool, I hope you get a red hot iron bar up your ass and get raped, let's see if you still want the "bashing's" back, fucker.
...and now Gays get jobs for where they put their privates...
Shit...and here I thought I got a job because i was the most qualified person for the position.
Why would you want to do that? Are you that insecure that merely admitting the presence of homosexuals shakes your sexual identity?
Nobody's hiring gay people specifically because they're gay. They aren't on affirmative action or anything.
It should be a crime to bully someone if they are a person, regardless of whether they're gay or ethnic minorities or you just don't like their tie or whatever.
Blacks get jobs for the color of their skin....and now Gays get jobs for where they put their privates
Let me guess, you're unemployed and it can't POSSIBLY be your fault so it must be the damn blacks and gays stealing your jobs.
and now some have passed laws making it a crime to bully someone if they are gay.....LOL
Lol? Congratulations, you've found my berserk button. Bullying is NOT funny AT FUCKING ALL. And there need to be laws against it, you fucknugget. It can cause irreparable damage to a person both physically and mentally and has even resulted in people's deaths. That you not only find it amusing but think that protecting people from it is a bad thing shows what a fucking complete monster you are. Go shove a cactus up your ass.
Yea this is a america I want my kids to be proud of......
So you want an America where people beat and kill other people that they don't like? Be careful what you wish for because assholes like you are pretty reviled and the fact that you've already made enemies with every black person, every gay person, every person who's ever been a victim of bullying, and every person with a working conscience doesn't bode well for you.
Okidokie.. I'll start by bashing your stupid ignorant mentally imbecile ass, you stupid fuck!
Feel better now?
I agree Kevin aka cowboy_big_k,so stand still whilst I fetch my bat in order to pummel the living daylights out of your bigoted,judgemental ass,you fucking low-life cunt
It is an America that your kids can be proud of, where people aren't judged by the color of their skin or what their sexuality is. It's just that bigots like you can't see that and decide to lie about their job opportunities. If I were your kid, I would be ashamed of you.
One last thing, to everyone mentioning Jesus and such, where here has Christianity even been brought up? All I'm seeing is a news article, racism, and homophobia.
Yeah, because bashing people who are different is totally something to be proud of.
Though I'm getting the feeling that this person is a poe/troll, considering that it is a Yahoo comment after all.
No... people are hired based on their ability to DO THE DAMN JOB. It's simply illegal to fire a person based on race or sexual orientation (among other categories).
What's the matter, lose your job to a "filthy queer"?
"Just to play devil's advocate: People who work in gay bars."
I used to be a regular in a gay bar in Chelsea, Manhattan, that had oodles of straight employees, including the bartenders. Straight folks weren't precluded from jobs, and LGBT folks needed to be qualified (ie, weren't just hired for LGBT-ness). Sooooo, nope!
Bullying shouldn't be illegal. Physical Assault should be, and is. Just because someone has their feelings hurt, it doesn't mean that the person should go to jail. The Gov't SHOULD keep their sensationalist noses out of our personal lives.
Your version of America features terrible human rights violation because someone was offended. Or it would be like the United Kingdom, to word it less pretentiously.
"Bullying shouldn't be illegal. "
lol wut
Yes, bullying should be illegal (although it pretty much already is because it is harassment and assault among other things). Believe it or not, it's just a tad bit beyond "hurting someone's feelings".
So you want to live in a country where we can attack people we don't like? Fine by me.
You just shot to the top of my curbstomp list. And if it's legal, then hey, no one's going to complain when I step on you with soccer cleats, now are they?
Bullying shouldn't be illegal. Physical Assault should be, and is. Just because someone has their feelings hurt, it doesn't mean that the person should go to jail. The Gov't SHOULD keep their sensationalist noses out of our personal lives.
Your version of America features terrible human rights violation because someone was offended. Or it would be like the United Kingdom, to word it less pretentiously.
According to Webster's dictionary:
: to treat abusively
: to affect by means of force or coercion
So it seems that Swede was absolutely right that bullying should be illegal as it INCLUDES physical assault.
@Joe Mama
continuing on with what HumMis1349 said, gay-for-pay is fairly common, and is said to be a bigger turn-on for some.
Not that I'd know, of course.
You can say anything you like, but if you DO it, you will be arrested and sent to prison. Life's a funny old dog, eh?
Blacks get jobs for the color of their skin....and now Gays get jobs for where they put their privates
Damn, I have a job interview this afternoon and I am neither black nor gay. Guess I'm screwed, huh?
(I feel sorry for sane, decent Americans. Morons like this make the rest of you look bad.)
Bullying shouldn't be illegal. Physical Assault should be, and is. Just because someone has their feelings hurt, it doesn't mean that the person should go to jail. The Gov't SHOULD keep their sensationalist noses out of our personal lives.
We'll see if you have the same opinion when someone starts screaming in your face and making threats so frequently that you can't concentrate on school/work/etc.
@ 1222588
Yes, being offended like losing one's job because his/her sexuality comes out, being denied the right to marry or are aware that there's more than a guy in a car driving by and yelling "FAGGOT!" when he sees two guys holding hands on the street, right?
"Bullying shouldn't be illegal. Physical Assault should be, and is. Just because someone has their feelings hurt, it doesn't mean that the person should go to jail. The Gov't SHOULD keep their sensationalist noses out of our personal lives.
Your version of America features terrible human rights violation because someone was offended. Or it would be like the United Kingdom, to word it less pretentiously."
So you like(d) being bullied in school/college/workplace, eh?:
(check one):
[ ] Yes. Perv.
[ ] No. Thus not only is your 'argument' completely destroyed, you forfeit the right to comment on bullying. In perpetuity. Ergo, you only have the right to say that any & all authorities should take not only a Zero Tolerance, but a hyper-draconian policy towards bullying, and it's perpetrators, in all it's vile and unjustifiable forms. Q.E.D.
Choose wisely.
@Toby or not Toby
That is the question:
"It is so easy to talk tough when you are on the internet, isn't it Kevin?"
'cowboy_big_k' certainly knows how to 'Cry Havoc!' and let slip the racist & homophobic dogs of war, but can he himself suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous (progressive and tolerant societal) fortune? Aye, there's the rub...!
"Yeah right, another internet bully who would run screaming if anyone even raised their voice to him in real life."
What's here? the portrait of a blinking idiot indeed:
Meanwhile, if Atheist, non-fundie Christian & Muslim, Agnostic, Wiccan, Buddhist etc tolerance be the Food of Love, let's go back for seconds!
"Shit...and here I thought I got a job because i was the most qualified person for the position."
People usually get jobs because the boss personally invited them to the job at least 14 days before the job was ever "advertised". Or at least that's how it usually works.
The US Army gets jobs based on where they will put their Privates, whats wrong with that.
(is that too subtle)
bullying anyone for any reason is not good.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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