"There is really ONLY one logical explanation for the origin of complex, functionally specified, digitized genetic information. GOD CREATED IT — in SIX DAYS when He created the universe. Any other explanation can be torn apart.
It really irks me to know that a lot of tax dollars are wasted in places like government universities on efforts to explain “the origins of life” and the nature of the universe. It’s all there in Genesis — NO CHARGE!
It’s not just evolution we need to take out of schools. We need to address the whole scientific culture that says that we must “seek answers” to questions that we already KNOW the answer to — and spend tax dollars to do it!"
Wait, looking for answers is a bad thing?
Ow. Sometimes these people make my head hurt. I just don't get it. I try to see the world from their point of view and the willful ignorance and stupidity makes me want to go hang my head against a nice, hard brick wall for the next hour.
Also, the word "logical" -- USALiberty is perfectly willing to use it, but I have to wonder if USALiberty has any idea as to what the word actually means.
"We need to address the whole scientific culture that says that we must "seek answers" to questions that a small minority of Muslims, Orthodox Jews and oddball cult Christian fundies think they already got the answer to from some book by a bronze age Arab goat herder and spend tax dollars to do it!"
You can get faulty information FOR NO CHARGE AT ALL! YOU HEARD RIGHT FOLKS!!! NO EXTRA CHARGE!!!!
You sound like a hopped salesman bent on the bible -- I hope you know.
And by the way, take "liberty" out of your username. By taking out science in our schools your infringing on our liberty to learn important stuff like astronomy, the structure of cells, genetics, geology...all of that is pretty important and rather ignored in the bible.
"any other explanation can be torn apart"....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I have to hand it to him, though, this is a whole breed of fundie logic I haven't seen before....combining batshit Republican no-taxes-for-any-reason zealotry with batshit Genesis literalism.
Dumbass, noone's charging you for that scientific information, you can get it for free at school, if you've ever been to school.
If you had faith, you would want people to know the truth. You would want people to find the answers you already have. But you want to hide the truth from people, because the truth conflicts with your narrow-minded interpretation.
"It’s all there in Genesis"
Because curiosity never got us anywhere.
"questions that we already KNOW the answer to"
How do you know we know the answer? You wouldn't accept it if I told you earthquakes were caused by the giant jaguar holding up the world scratching an itch, would you? So why should I just automatically accept your ancient literature?
I didnt know that genisis was such a great science book. Evidently, it explains the nature of the universe. But I dont recall reading anything in it about gravity, chemistry, etc. I guess all those science inventions we have came about by all those chapters in the babble that I have not read. So...which chapter do I look up in repairing my car engine????
So basically you want human society to return to the dark ages just because you feel uncomfortable because your beliefs are being revealed as pure junk..
people like this is why i will never become a Christian.
We need to address the whole scientific culture that says that we must “seek answers” to questions that we already KNOW the answer to
If people already "know" the answer then they wouldn't be asking the questions.
And your stupid fallacious "answers" are the only answers, right?
Wrong. Now, fuck off and take your horrible book with you.
Absolutely! Let's take out them thar evil biology books, and put in the Buy-bull! Then we'll make inbreedin' legal, an' start killin' all them Arabs, Jews(####ers killed Jesus!), them idol-worshippin' Boo-dists, them stinkin atheist heatherns and Catholics, and further Gawd's Kingdom.
"There is really ONLY one logical explanation for the origin of complex, functionally specified, digitized genetic information.”
Genetic information is not digitized, idiot.
It’s chemical. The human effort to quantify it, we describe it with letters, but it’s still a big bag of chemicals driving biochemistry.
And you only know JUST how complicated life is because of science efforts to know how it works. Ironically, YOUR argument needs science in order to claim that our argument needs god.
"GOD CREATED IT — in SIX DAYS when He created the universe. Any other explanation can be torn apart.”
G’head. But our complex findings do not support ID or Creationism. YOUR inability to grasp any complexity without an intelligence is just your issue. And you plug your god in where your ignorance shines.
“It really irks me to know that a lot of tax dollars are wasted in places like government universities on efforts to explain “the origins of life” and the nature of the universe. It’s all there in Genesis — NO CHARGE!”
But it’s not wasted. YOU need that research in order to justify your superstition.
“It’s not just evolution we need to take out of schools.”
But creationism and especially ID are just responses to evolution, that require evolutionary theory in order to make sense out of rejecting evolutionary theory.
"We need to address the whole scientific culture that says that we must “seek answers” to questions that we already KNOW the answer to — and spend tax dollars to do it!"
Post your address. I’ll send you a penny to compensate that portion of your tax dollars that went to teaching evolution this year. An dyou can keep the change.
There is really ONLY one functional explanation for the complex origin of logically specified, digitized, genetic reformation. ODD REACTED IT — in SIX GAYS when He aced the universe. Any other ex-plantation can be in a torn part.
It really perks me to effort that a lot of wax dollars are lasted in caws like government universities on knots to explain “the origins of nature” and the life of the universe. It’s all there in Collins —GONE CHAIR!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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