Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
Just figured out why there has been such a huge drop in the price of crude oil.... It's so that oil and natural gas companies can start shutting down and securing offshore and onshore oil wells, natural gas wells and rigs and pipelines... Because of the impending arrival of Planet Nibiru... Which is already in our solar system.... Crude oil spills could devastate our oceans and land....That explains the dozens and dozens of nuclear reactors that have been shut world wide based on lies and excuses such as a leak or other plant trouble.... Today's news that 3 major companies just exited from Greenland due to the very high costs of oil exploration and no profit margin due to the sudden collapse of oil prices.... That's starting to occur all over the world....major projects have been stopped... The US and Russia, China, Europe, Japan, the Islamic coubtries and others are ALL part of this huge world wide conspiracy to hide the arrival of Planet Nibiru as long as possible.... Meanwhile preparing for it as well by securing obviously the most huge potential threat and that is nuclear reactors melting down worldwide due to their fuel rids not having been removed.... You can bet your money that all the plants shut down have had their nuclear fuel rods removed and secured... NO ITS NOT NORMAL TO ALREADY HAVE HAD DOZENS OF PLANTS SHUTDOWN WORLDWIDE! GOOGLE IT IF YOU HAVE TOO
Just one plant having a chain reaction of all the rods is enough to pollute most of our planet for hundreds of years! ....
Russia and Iran are playing along with the game that the West and Saudi Arabia are trying to hurt their economies by artificially lowering oil prices which is the main export for both nations
Time to wake up!
Again I'm not joking when I say this to my friends or people I know... Get out of Houston and move at least 200 miles and 700 feet above sea level... All of Houston and other coastal areas around the world will be permanently under hundreds of feet of water.
Instead of continuing to purchase new cars and houses and the latest bags and clothes at the mall....or going out drinking like there is no tomorrow... At the minimum start making a plan to head out soon....Martial Law is about to be imposed so that when it becomes really really clear to all that there is Nibiru in the sky they won't allow mass movement of people.... That would cause massive chaos in their version at least.... That is why you see the fake or hyped up shootings of black men and others vs the horrible police... And how now police officers are being shot too... This is all staged and an act to sow tension in the US AND chaos and be used as one more excuse to impose crowd control Martial Law
You won't hear about this kind of analysis on the Web... Atleast not this thorough connecting all of the current events in the World and US.
If you needed more evidence of the approach of Planet Nibiru....just look at all the increasing earthquakes that are now common in even Dallas Texas, Oklahoma, California and other's not franking that's causing the entire plates of the Earth to its the gravitational tug of Nibiru on Earth's electriagnetic sphere.... And the reason the center of the country from Nebraska down to Texas is having more and more earthquakes is because their lies a MAJOR FAULT LINE called the Madrid Line.... The franking and pumping of water is just a cover to keep the sheople (zombie sheeps) called humans busy and distracted enough from the truth....
Sinkholes around the world have massively increased.
Meteorites and fireballs are numerous and on the increase across all states and countries...
10 years ago ever see any fireballs shooting over your head?
It's because incoming with Nibiru is huge amounts of space rocks being tugged by Nibirus gravitational field.
People around the world have reported seeing two suns rise together
Fish, birds, whales are dying and beaching themselves. That's because they use the electromagnetic sphere for guidance
The weird and wacky weather... The super cold or super hot temperatures....the random snow storm... All the hurricanes....
Levels are way above what we even saw 10 or 20 years ago
Connect the dots if you are smart....
Ebola is another fake drama and disease they are going to use to keep people quarantined.
Tell me when u really ever saw a dead Ebola victim... Never.
All of those videos showing Africans complaining about Ebola are staged with paid actors.
Wake up smell the coffee