Logic anarchy is the result of a belief that cannot serve as the foundation for a logical system.
In mathematics, logic anarchy occurs when there is a proof by contradiction. To prove the falsehood of a mathematical statement, this approach first assumes that it is true and then tries to build logical statements on it. Once the system collapses in an absurd contradiction, then the conclusion is that the assumption must be false rather than true.
Atheism is a belief that results in logic anarchy. To avoid that, freedom of speech is censored in all atheistic societies.
"To avoid that, freedom of speech is censored in all atheistic societies."
Whereas, of course, freedom of speech is rigorously upheld in religious societies. Except for blasphemy or criticism of religion. Or of the priests. Or any institution endorsed by the local religion. [/sarcasm]
"In mathematics, logic anarchy occurs when there is a proof by contradiction. To prove the falsehood of a mathematical statement, this approach first assumes that it is true and then tries to build logical statements on it. Once the system collapses in an absurd contradiction, then the conclusion is that the assumption must be false rather than true. "
And on the internet it results in Conservapaedia.
Fundieism is a belief that results in logic anarchy. To avoid that, freedom of speech is censored in all fundieistic societies such as Conservapaedia.
"Wereas, of course, freedom of speech is rigorously upheld in religious societies. Except for blasphemy or criticism of religion. Or of the priests. Or any institution endorsed by the local religion. [/sarcasm]"
Or apostasy, or worshipping the wrong god, or worshipping the right god in the wrong way, or not tithing, or using condoms etc. etc.[/added sarcasm]
Atheism is a belief that results in logic anarchy.
Demonstrate, please.
...freedom of speech is censored in all atheistic societies.
Coming from a guy who routinely suppresses opposing viewpoints on his website, I'm not inclined to take this last point the least bit seriously.
freedom of speech is censored in all atheistic societies.
Look at how often comments are disabled or heavily censored for Christian videos on Youtube compared to how often they are for videos put up by atheists. Look at how open comments are on atheist message boards compared to Christian message boards. In fact, Rapture Ready requires you to believe exactly what they believe in order to post there and then your comments are heavily censored. And don't even get me started on Conservapedia.
Chaos Theory mathematics.
Even the most powerful supercomputers can barely handle the number-crunching involved in the processing of meteorological data.
Computers rely on '0's & '1's. You of all people should know that.
Anti-discrimination laws & Section 5 of the Public Order Act in the UK. The WBC banned from entering this country by Labour Home Secretary Jacqui Smith. Her edict continued by the Conservative HS. Political Correctness is good. Political Correctness works . No 'Anarchy' here.
Proved your own contradiction much, Andy Schaftafly?
I'll just say that as an atheist, I don't WANT to be in an "atheistic society", and I think alot of other atheists would feel the same way. A secular society, yes, but that's NOT the same thing at all. But I'd guess Andy there thinks they are the same things.
In mathematics, it's called "reductio ad absurdum", a well-known technique. It's famous for demonstrating that no god can be omniscient, omnipotent and benevolent at the same time (unless you use some private re-definition of the words). But it doesn't work for proving that God exists. Otherwise, someone (e.g., Aquinas) would have used it in the last 2,500 years we've been arguing about the subject.
There is a book titled The Logic of Anarchy, Neorealism to Structural Realism by Barry Buzan, Charles Jones and Richard Little. You dreamed the rest up, Andy. You're just talking about false mathematical statements wich, oddly enough, do not produce coherent equations. And I'm not sure you really understand what a mathematical proof actually is. This has nothing real to say about society or mathematics at all, you mooncalf.
Oh, it's Schlafly. That explains the lack of logic in this, because we know darn well who it is that censors free speech. And I can find no reference to the term in mathematics, so did you just make up the premise as well as the conclusion?
IF Andy Schlafly
THEN Brainfuck
"Atheism is a belief that results in logic anarchy. To avoid that, freedom of speech is censored in all atheistic societies."
Unproven statement plus non sequitur = Brainfuck. Therefore, IF Andy Schlafly THEN Brainfuck evaluates as true. Awaiting falsifying event .... waiting.... waiting...
Eh, no.
Actually, if anything, even the most bullheaded of liberal atheists tends to view freedom of speech as almost TOO sacred.
Conservative atheists, on the other hand, are basically just as scummy as conservative christians, muslims, and buddhists.
...It's actually getting to the point where it feels like "atheist" and "secular" are two different things and I don't like that feeling.
...y'know, it's not hard at all to learn enough symbolic logic to call this brainfart wrong. there's a classic, and eponymous, textbook on the subject authored by Lewis Carroll. it's available in the public domain, being long out of copyright. it'd make FAR better reading than conservapedia, to be damn sure.
>It's actually getting to the point where it feels like "atheist" and "secular" are two different things
Atheism is a personal view on the nature of the divine, secularity is a veiw on how society should be structured.
How could you possibly think they're the same thing?
Let's get down to basics. What the hell is an "atheistic society"?
P. S. Andy, how's that conservative bible project going?
Because there's some idiots that treat "atheist" and "secular" as if they were synonymous - that is, a secular society would be a society of atheists, not a society that is neutral on religion.
These idiots are also the ones who wonder, unironically, why they're being called fundies because "I can't be a fundie, I'm not religious!"
Andy Schlafly, coming up with new concepts in first order logic like it ain't no thing.
(Just in case anyone was wondering, "logic anarchy" is something Andy just pulled out of his ass-brain. You won't find it in any mathematical literature.)
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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