Polcarp fan #fundie christianforums.com
Public schools have become a joke of a learning experience anyway. You go to biology class, learn the dribble about nothing to mud to monkeys to man and get on with your life learning the idiocy of evolutionary morality.
Evolution is not the big bogey man that secularism hails it as. It furthers condom sales and abortion clinics and promotes losing virginity at an ever increasingly young age, but once a child grows into an adult, they see reality as it truly is.
0 x 0 = an anti-God belief system.
Once math is applied properly, a person becomes enlightened and becomes a Bible-affirming Christian.
...You either become a mature adult or stay in a state of regrets you can't escape.
Christians are not reducing in numbers. So many people come to Christ after getting a college degree and without the stains of the education system that failed them so miserably staying with them for the rest of their lives. Go to a mega Church and see.