[Replying to 'if someone had a gun to your kid's head and asked if you believed in God']
Trust in God. All things work for his Glory and it will be best in the end. Thus, never deny God. If your child is killed he won't have to go through the hardships of life and is with the lord so double bonus to him.
That would be the only way I could say yes. But everyone knows a declaration like that is worthless.
At the first fraction of a chance, I would kill the one with the gun, with absolutely no second thought.
They bitch about abortion, how it's murder, and murder is wrong, and yet I've seen alot of quotes here that show that fundies are absolutely ok with child sacrifice, as long as their god is appeased. That's some sick fucking shit.
I ... I just heard, your son was hit by a ... ummm. well, You know. I ... I just wanted to let you know ... how truly ... deeply ... jealous I am of that lucky little prick. That son of a bitch always did have all the luck, the little fucker.
I would freely confess to whatever disgusting, sordid, antisocial behaviour you wanted me to, in that situation, in order for you to stop threatening my child.
Then I would kill you, no questions, no riddles, no hesitation, no second thoughts.
Threaten my child and you die.
Why don't you just kill the little rugrats the second they're born? That way you can be lazy and self-righteous!
Your self-absorbed deity's "Glory" isn't worth a fart in a windstorm, much less anyone's life.
“Trust in God.”
I really cannot. I read too much bible for that.
“All things work for his Glory and it will be best in the end.”
Best for Him. He caused Pharaoh not to release the Hebrew Slaves so He could cause the greatest suffering ‘for his glory.’ Not for the benefit of any of the slaves that were still slaving.
"Thus, never deny God.”
The problem in this scenario is that you never know what answer they’re looking for.
I’ve never made a secret of my atheism. So if i proclaim God, they may shoot the kid to punish me for lying.
Look at Elon, who was sure that Twitter was a tool of the DNC. He offered an outrageous price for the platform, sure that they would refuse and he’d be proven right. They said, “Okay.” And he’s been hemoraging money over that deal ever since.
“If your child is killed he won't have to go through the hardships of life and is with the lord so double bonus to him.”
Fuck you right up the ass with your own fist, wrapped in barbed wire. I am NOT going to push for the death of my kid because it at least would save him from suffering after the ultimate suffering. That’s insane.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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