...but the scientific method presumes something to be true until disproven. Therefore my belief in God is quite scientific. You must disprove His existence....and you cannot. Therefore you lose.
The scientific method takes a concept and works to prove it, not the other way around. Therefore, your belief in God has nothing to do with science.
Zeus, Odan, Osiris, Flying Spagetti Monster, et.al. Prove they don't exist. You must disprove their existence...and you cannot. Therefore you lose.
Uh...no, the scientific method requires any hypothesis advanced to be (falsifiable and) tested, and once it has withstood a goodly amount of testing, it is tentatively adopted as the best explanation at present.
A teensy bit different.
Since proof of a negative is impossible, the scientific (or just the rational) way of thought is to assume a negative until proven otherwise, moron. Consider such recent fiascos as that business with Iraqi WMDs, or the assertion of a terrorist link between Iraq and Afghanistan, to be a grim example of what happens when the world makes its decisions your way.
Weapons Inspectors: We've found no evidence of WMDs in Iraq yet, even though we've been searching for ages.
US Administration: But you've not proven they're not there! They still might have them! We'd better invade to be sure!
but the scientific method presumes something to be true until disproven.
That is not only not an accurate description of the scientific method, it's as near the opposite of one as can be. Once a theory has been tested many times, that is the case, but to establish a theory in the first place, you have to show evidence that the theory is correct - predictions that are consistently verified and incompatible with the previous theory, for instance. There is also the key element of falsifiability - there must, in principle, be some set of findings that would be inconsistent with your proposed theory, otherwise the theory is useless.
You get an idea, you work out the idea, you test the idea, you confirm the idea, you publish the idea.
After that it stands until disproven.
"...but the scientific method presumes something to be true until disproven."
No, it doesn't. That would mean that any wild crap anybody asserted at any time would be presumed true.
"Therefore my belief in God is quite scientific."
No, you have no credible evidence for your God's existence. There are no reproducible positive test results supporting the existence of your God.
"You must disprove His existence....and you cannot."
No, the burden of proof lies with the party making the assertion.
"Therefore you lose."
Try going through life using your "scientific method," and we'll see who is the loser.
I believe in unicorns. Prove to me unicorns don't exist. What do you mean, no one's ever seen a real one and there's no physical or picture evidence? They're magical, they can do what they want. And you can't prove they don't exist. You lose.
I have a question. Are people in the US actually taught what the freaking scientific method is? I mean, even Star Cluster got it wrong.
The scientific method is to first come up with a null hypothesis for something. You then try to prove the null hypothesis correct. So, let's say you want to prove that fundies are completely retarded.
The hypothesis is that if the fundies make arguments that have any logical incoherency, they're retarded.
The scientific method then requires you to create a null hypothesis. That fundies make arguments that do not have logical incoherency. You then set out to prove they make logical arguments.
When you fail to do so, then it's proven to be true.
Wolf O'Donnell, there is no single standard scientific method, contrary to public education. Every scientist has his or her own method depending on what the science requires. I was taught the "scientific method" in high school, I paid attention, and I learned nothing about attempting to prove the null hypothesis. It was about coming up with a hypothesis, conducting an experiment, gathering data, and making a conclusion. That isn't to say one method is better or more common than the other. But I do think science education is largely detached from the practice of science.
Anybody sane can tell you that the burden of proof is on the person making a claim. To suggest otherwise would require believing anything unfalsifiable. Since acceptance in the absense of disproof would require accepting mutually exclusive conclusions, that method must be wrong.
Also, why the hell is there an ad for scientology on this page?
Hitch-hiker guide to the galaxy coming right up.(well the general idea)
God is built on faith. Without faith, he cannot exist. But the Bible and the fact humans exist prove their is a God. With proof of God, there is no faith, which means there cannot be a God. And God dissappears in a poof of logic.'
You make the claim, you provide the proof. That's the way all science works, dickbrain.
For example, it is unscientific for me to say: "Fairies live in my blood. Prove me wrong."
An invisible magical cat that lives in a hidden room in my basement told me that god lives inside a pimple on my left buttcheek.
Nobodoy can disprove the magical invisible cat, therefore it must be true.
Srsly it hurts my brain when fundies try to apply logic and fail miserably at it.
Actually, the scientific method persumes something to be UNTRUE until it's proven,
You fail science forever.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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