I am curious what will all of you guys do when the rapture happens and you Christian Friends and Family and Neighbors and Co-Workers are missing.
If the Rapture happened, the ensuing chaos would render the world uninhabitable to anything larger than a rat. Therefore, I would seriously consider BASE jumping without a chute, since something's going to either poison me or blow me up in short order.
I'm running into the nearest church, stripping down, and dancing on the altar to "War" a la "Homega Man." Or maybe I'll cut the soles out of my shoes, live in a tree and learn to play the flute. What do you care?
Smoke weed in my christian neighbor's house.
Then eat their ice cream and pig out on their couch.
Oh, and I would use their bible for joint paper.
Well it depends, how many fundies would actually get raptured? If only the ones with REAL christian values and behavior disappeared, there would just be very few indeed, seeing as most of you are a bunch of hateful and judgmental assholes.
Party. I would steal their shit, but I don't think fundies have any shit worth stealing.
And then we'd get started fixing all the damage you fuckwits have done to the legal system, the environment and everything else.
Not that it's ever gonna happen.
1) That's what they call a 'null question', I believe.
B. Crawl out of the rubble and see what other damage the tornado caused.
Well, post-Rapture, I plan on taking my magical jellybean horse for a swim in a moat of caramel, followed by tea with the Queen of Pixieland, followed by a soccer game between the Autobots and a horde of ninja bikini models. Which is about as likely as your nonsensical fantasy bullshit.
What "Christian Friends and Family and Neighbors and Co-Workers"? I live in a mostly non-religious country. We would probably not even notice that the few, the very few, True Christians among us had evaporated, we'd just think "Oh well, Karin or Heidi or Whatever must have moved away, I haven't heard from her recently". I think I have more Muslim friends than I have True Christian friends. I might even have more Buddhist friends than TC friends.
As the Rapture has been in the pipeline for about 2000 years, I don't think it will happen in my measly lifetime.
The way I read the bible is that only 144,000 of the house of David will be taken. Everyone else goes through the tribulation.
Since no one I know is of the House of David I dont expect many missing.
I'll start a new religion which will be honest, fair, non-judgemental, decent, peaceful and non-profit making. Then all you morons can look down from your cloud and see how much better things would have been if you'd tried acting that way.
Or maybe you'll be looking up, through the flames...
Well let's see, The Rapture won't include any Catholics, Quakers, Anglicans, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses or any other of the other numerous denominations which your lot insists aren't "real" Christians. Of course, the Muslims, Jews, atheists and members of the native and Asian religions will still be here. So overall, it looks like the number of people who are actually raptured will be miniscule. This suggests that the world will adjust quickly and go on pretty much as it always did.
Sorry billiefan2000, you and your lot just aren't that important to the world.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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