
Riddick #fundie randi.org

We simply surround the mosque's, invade and take the life of those inside. There is no God, hence no retribution. We can go in there and school those guys about the non-existence of God. That is the idealistic Atheist viewpoint. Be done with that mess over there. Go into the mosque's, do the necessary killin, then we can all leave that place. Thus said the Atheist.

Riddick #fundie randi.org

So if there is no God... Why don't we just invade every mosque in Iraq and do whatever killing we need to further our cause? All we have to tell the muslims is, is that there is no God. Surely we can drive this point home with them.

Riddick #fundie randi.org

Kindly stick to the Atheist viewpoint. Your dislike of Christians has been noted, but clearly observe we're not talking about Christians in this thread. I'll assume I don't have to repeat that. We're talking about the Atheist viewpoint, which should be enter and kill all since there is no God.

Riddick #fundie randi.org

I hope you enjoyed Michael Jordan's stay in Chicago, because your city sucks now. btw, the Jewish God is the same as my God. Christ was a Jew. So you will see me there, ya sucker. Have a nice F***ing day. If I'm holding a gun to the roof of your mouth, ready to pull the trigger, who ya gonna call? And I will cap you my friend. No doubt about it. As a matter of fact, I will hunt you down and kick your @$$ in heaven. If I forget, remind me when we get there. I just want you to know that we have mutual feelings towards eachother. Lots of hate coming your way friend. And there'll be more. I been to prison a couple times. One was Assault on a Sheriff. I'll kick your @$$ to. Now, what you say here in posts will most likely be entirely different if there's actually a gun pointed at the roof of your mouth. When high-velocity metal is about to meet the brain, one's perspective can change. So make your courageous posts here, I'll tack them on your forehead when I dispose of your body.

billiefan2000 #fundie randi.org

Being a Christian means you believe Jesus is the Son of God and that he died on a cross and rose again 3 days later... Benny Hinn calls himself a Christian,and yet he threatens his enemies and cons gullible people out of money by claiming he can heal them. Does anyone in the sane mind think Benny Hinn is a Christian.

billiefan2000 #fundie randi.org

Name me one Liberty that has been taken away by Conservatives. Name me one and show me documented evidence of it and not the rAmblings of the AMERICAN COMMUNIST LOVERS UNION or ACLU as the Useful Idiots to the ACLU call it.

billiefan2000 #fundie randi.org

If you arent going to be here,the [Rapture] Insurance either way wont be of any use. Cause the Rapture is going to end up bankrupting the Insurance Companies,so it wont make no never mind anyway.

billiefan2000 #fundie randi.org

[After being asked, sarcastically, to sign over his stuff in case of Rapture]But why should I give you or any of the other Atheists here my stuff then? I thought you people didnt believe in GOD or the rapture. I think you guys do believe the Rapture will happen,cause after all,why would you be asking someone who is going in the rapture to give away his stuff then?

Paul Bethke #fundie randi.org

Not blind yet? Well ALL out yonder the 14th November 2002 9:30 Eastern Time has come and gone, and Randi Co. retain their sight. The one point that I am glad about is that this TIME is firmly established—AND that the event is well publicised. Now I am not going to justify what may appear to be a failure in carrying out this prediction but rest in the fact that there will be success. My studies on human behaviour is complete—AND the conclusion is as I have stated, that man has broken the Commands of the GOD of Israel and that HE as the ONE AND ONLY GOD is justified in judging the world for this. This judgment is so severe because the sin is so serious.[...] You SEE ALL a rejection of the TRUTH will mean that you are an accomplice with those who killed Jesus because of what He proclaimed---Kill the messenger in a an attempt to still the message has always been the case. There is still hope for those who REPENT.

Paul Bethke #fundie randi.org

Well in a nutshell---or do you think I am a nut case? For the newbies------ I believe that I have the faith and knowledge to establish the Kingdom of GOD in this tumultuous earth and bring peace. To do this I will take two examples out of the Scriptures and repeat them here in this day and age. 1) To blind James Randi and Andrew Harter during the Radio Show and there by collect the million-dollar prize----Randi has agreed to this. 2) In addition to this I will at the same time blind some 49 others who have volunteered and who are on the LIST. This will take place simultaneously at 9:30 PM on Thursday half an hour into the Randi show.