RetroSpriteResources #sexist
That isn't what happened, but it is undeniable that women do naturally go for bad, no sugar-coating it, evil people. Of course, women never properly evolved to the new standard of living, so to them, going for an evil person is perfectly reasonable. When it came down to life prior to society, reproducing went as follows: Bash a man on the head with a club while he bashes you on your head back until one of you dies, the winner gets the girl. Of course, a nice, no insulting him, a good person, is more likely to try and talk his way out of fighting and maybe sharing the girls only to lose the first strike and be put at a disadvantage in the club bashing battle. For millions of years, alpha male systems have been used to benefit many species by promoting the most desirable male for the current situation's genes across all females. This system was once used by humans too and it in and of itself isn't evil as some would argue that it helped quality life to flourish. But the thing is, you can't fuck with men. Men aren't fucking cows that will stand around and watch one man get all the sex while they suffer. Men aren't elephants, bulls to be specific. (Bull means male elephant.) Even though one beta man may be no match for an alpha male, 20 of them put together can surely knock an alpha male to the northern lights. Beta men are the most shunned by society, but are ironically the strongest group of people ever conceived. I'm reminded of the Pixar movie a Bug's Life where the grasshoppers were bullying the ants and getting away with it because they were stronger, but the ants learned that they could tear the grasshoppers to shreds when they ganged up on them because they outnumber them a 100 to 1. A similar thing happened prior to recorded history when men, being the free thinkers that they are, decided to gang up on all the alpha males and split the women equally. Alpha males were outnumbered and women were "outarmored", so beta males had an easy victory. In the millennia following, men kept their strong hatred towards women burning. They were angry that women had heartlessly rejected them back in the age of alpha males and decided that enslavement, abuse and torture were the best ways to satisfy their anger. Women were tortured for doing one thing above all others though, trying to lust after an alpha male which was the source of the hatred thrown at them in the first place. Men would even go so far as to say that all women go to Hell or saw women down the middle for cheating, you can't make this shit up.
That style of life continued for thousands of years and no one really remembered why women are mistreated since the beta male revolution predated books. This is why women were liberated in the age of science because we were rethinking everything anyway and couldn't find a reason why women are tortured anyway. After all, women seem pretty loyal to beta males when it's the nerd's dick or the blade saw. But women had not changed in thousands of years since breeding was controlled and shared and we weren't that different than we were 50,000 years ago. Women have slowly begun to chase alpha males again and even though it hasn't taken full effect, it's growing pretty rapidly. Even though club bashing isn't how we do things anymore, a woman's primitive 10,000 year old instincts don't know better. That's why women like "bad boys". As in, evil people.
But those who don't know history are bound to repeat it as the old saying goes. I've seen it myself, men who have been rejected for various reasons are coming together, speaking of violent revolution against alpha males, (They call them "Chads".) speaking of sharing women, enslaving women, women being primitive, everything that the beta cavemen of yesterday did. They refer to themselves as "incels" and I'm well aware that you women openly mock them which is arguably the stupidest thing you can do. You laugh at them now, but they are 40,000 strong and rapidly growing. They will continue to grow and violently overthrow the governments of the world, turning you women back into slaves and no one will come to save you. This time, history will be recorded and men won't make the "mistake" of letting women have equal rights again. Your freedom of the time being is merely a pleasant dream in the harsh reality of your enslavement. You got a couple hundred year break, but it will come back to stay next time.
FYI: You won't even escape enslavement by leaving the planet since it will most likely be planet Mars that liberates men since travelers have a natural tendency to rebel. Mars will first liberate men and then Earth will follow the example. Like America and Europe.