"Essentially if someone tells you they are an Atheist, then what they are really telling you is that deep, deep down in their Soul they believe that they are God and you and everyone else are merely figments of their demented imagination."
You seem to have confused the word "atheist" with "solipsist." Please see my good friend Mr. Webster for clarification.
"The Atheists and Materialists are looking for a “Theory of Everything” They want to reduce the universe down to a math equation."
It'd be a hell of a lot more useful than "Goddidit!"
"The problem is that once they succeed they discover that math equation has been running in their subconscious mind and has been generating the universe all around them all along!"
So, we're all in the Matrix? I don't have the slightest clue what you're babbling about.
"[Another Funny Fundie: It's funny how you will NOT accept God without proof, but you will accept other things without proof.]"
I strive to accept very little without "proof" unless it's a trivial matter to begin with or so completely obviously true that it could be considered an axiom and thus in no need of "proof."
God, should he exist, would no doubt not be a trivial matter and is obviously not blatantly true since there seems to be no evidence of his existence. So yes, I do require "proof" when it comes to gods.
"Yeah, if you want to get them all riled up ask them about that nitwit Sagan and SETI. Ask them to give you some empirical evidence for intelligent extra-terrestrial aliens?"
Nobody has any. However, it's a reasonable conclusion to make based on what we know. We know, for a fact, that the universe can support life. We know that the basic components of life tend to form when given the proper components. We know that the universe is unimaginably vast with galaxies, stars and planets that are likely innumerable. Given that, it's reasonable to conclude that some kind of life exists somewhere other than here. We may never find it and, if we did, we may not even recognize it as being "life" if it's so incredibly different than us but it's a good bet that it's out there and, as such, worth looking for.
"Or ask them why they believe that flipped coins ALWAYS land TAILS up."
It doesn't always land tails up as that would be statistically improbable. It lands face down slightly more often because the "head" side of the coin (on U.S. coins anyway) tends to have ever so slightly more mass due to the portrait.
"They claim it is because there is no evidence the coin will land HEADs up, but that doesn’t make any sense to me???"
Flip a coin a dozen times. If the coin comes up even once then you have evidence that coins do, in deed, land heads up and it's therefore not impossible for it to happen. Why anyone would claim there's no evidence for such a thing is just a bizarre claim from both you and the hypothetical person you say makes it.