How bizarre. Islamic prophecy appears to be leading the Islamic world into a trap and the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Now that Obama is arming Al Queda in Lybia and turning his back on Israel, it seems like Islamic mystical prophecy is coming true at just the right time (and season) in history. I would say this is no coincidence. The devil knows what the Bible foretells and has spent centuries creatiing a massive army and "prophecies" to convince them for this moment in time.
Oh dear, have we have entered the Twilight Zone again...?
Firstly, The United States is NOT currently arming the rebels, (even though some in the U.S would like to do so), who contrary to Libyan propaganda, are not members of Al-Quieda, but rather Libyan citizens dissatisfied with the despotic Col.Quadaffi's tyrannical reign...
Secondly, are the U.S really turning their backs on Israel...? If only, some would argue...
Name and source some of these imaginary "Islamic prophecies."
Oh, and crawl back under your rock until you learn to spell "Libya." For that matter, there are a number of accepted transliterations for al-Qaeda, but "Al Queda" is not among them.
Why, that's the most exciting news since Hitler's clone revealed the secret Nazi space program that created all the UFOs!
Your brain appears to be made of cornflakes.
Okay, first of all, Al-Queda isn't in Libya. At all. Second, the US still continues to financially and militarily support Israel. Third, going to Fox News for information on global events is like going to your church for a science lesson.
Whatever drugs they've got you on aren't working anymore. I was under the impression the United Nations/NATO was helping people free themselves of a dictator in Libya, not arming Al Qaida. I'm also not aware of the USA having abandoned Israel as an ally. I think it would have made the news.
As for your prophecies, they are like all prophecies ever made, more bullshit than anything else.
"Now that Obama is arming Al Queda in Lybia"
1. Reagan armed the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan to fight agaisnt the Soviets, and many of these people later became members of Al-Qaeda.
2. Where the hell is Lybia?
What I don't understand is how anybody with an IQ higher than 50 can actually believe crap like that.
How demented does one have to be to be able to convince oneself that something like that could really be true?
And how on Earth was he able to use a computer to express himself? Is this the ape that typed out Shakespeare?
WOOOOHOOOO. Maybe the rapture will finally happen and all you dumbasses will be swept away. One less group of religious morons to deal with.
Or...and this is just a crazy suggestion so bear with me. Maybe nothing happens and the world doesn't end. Maybe, the bible is nothing but a book of made up stories.
I'll take the second option braaaah.
Sorry, I don't have to listen to someone who can't spell Libya or al-Qaida* and thinks that helping to topple a dictator is the same as arming terrorists.
*Yes, Arabic words have multiple accepted transliterations in English. That doesn't mean it's IMPOSSIBLE to misspell them. His transliteration of al-Qaida is not accepted, because it would change the pronunciation (though I doubt it would change the meaning; he's probably rendered it into a meaningless word. If I transliterated it back into Arabic, people who read Arabic would be like "WTF is this?")
Fuck you. Fuck you and the fucking horse you rode in on. You know God damn well that he's not arming Al Qaeda, you disingenuous fuck.
Congratulations on trying to paint the monster Qadaffi as a friend of Americans, just so you can further your fucked up fundy agenda. Die in shit, fucker.
Spelling "Libya" as "Lybia". The surest sign you're dealing with a complete flaming Tea Partier or other fringe nut. If you can't spell the name of the evil boogeyman terrorist group, either (Hint: It's al-Qaida or Qaeda depending on how you Anglicize it), don't go making bat-shit conspiracy musings about how the black man in the White House you despise for no plausible reason is arming them.
Nearly racist, conspiracy theorist, uneducated AND religious? Stupidity really is a melange of human putrescence, isn't it. Just go form a UFO cult already; Hell, I'll even buy the Kool-Aid for you, if it means you'll leave the rest of the sane world alone. You're too stupid to breathe, never-mind vote.
Apart from slaggin' this fundi over his spelling:
There ARE signs that al-quaida (or muslim brotherhood inspired Islamic fundamentalists) are involved with this rebellion and Muslims do have a set of bat shit insane prophecies of their own - including their version of the end time invlving the wholesale slaughter of the Jews and a oneneyed satan stirring unrest in the ME.
This fundi is still a nutjob though.... Carry on.
@#1274931: Before, Obama was evil because he wasn't helping the rebels.
Now, Obama is evil because he IS helping them. Because Al Qaeda are quantum terrorists who weren't rebels OR terrorists until they were assisted. Because Obama collapsed their wave function, they became terrorists. Ergo, Obama is evil.
Evil, evil Obama. He creates quantum terrorists.
Try to unseat Gadaffi: OBAMA IS A TERRORIST!
You people are never happy.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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