I see being gay as being just as wrong and unnatural as bestiality. In neither case is the correct hardware being used for the job.
In fact it makes more sense for a man to have sex with a female dog than with another man. At least he would get the gender correct.
So you're against having sex with another person of the same sex, but it's OK to have sex with an animal of the opposite sex? You're a goddamn pervert. Humans have a multitude of orifices and appendages, they all work everywhere, get over it. By the way lesbians have sex too; splendidly might I add.
Nekhbet for the motherfucking win.
(Yes, I swore. I'm not always inoffensive and semi-eloquent.)
I hate it when anti-gay people try to use this fallacy to justify their bigotry.
Why can't they just tell the truth?: "We don't like gays because we think boysex is icky!"
Personally, I kinda like boysex. And girlsex. And various mixtures inclusive. But I'm odd like that.
So, you condone bestiality, yes, no?, and can they have a hand job in a female seed pine-tree?
Micky continued..."In fact, I'm gonna go out, right now and nail me a stray dog, just to show you faggots how ridiculous you are. And even when I'm balls deep in this female mongrel behind the dumpsters, I'll still be LESS wrong then you two butt-pirates! In fact, I will stick my cock in the dog, finger-bang another one, and eat the pussy out of a pussycat, and you'll still be MORE unnatural then me. In fact I'll even go to the Humane Society..."
incorrect hardware is still acceptable, as long as it is really hard. Now, on the other hand, if one tried to use soft ware ...
By the way, we furries like bestiality about as much as gays like pedophilia; we don't, it is sick and wrong to force sex on a creature that cannot give consent. In fact, I would personally provide the bullets to shoot such a person. So could you please keep your offensive stereotypes to yourself and leave us furfags out of this. Thank you.
Stop comparing homosexuality to bestiality; it makes even less sense, do please shut the fuck up and kindly get yiffed by a horse and die, preferably while you are on fire.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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