(Though abstinence is the best prevention, it's still a good idea to take the HPV vaccine due to the chance of rape.)
Do the math on your scenario and I'm confident you'll find that risk to be less than the risk of being struck and killed by lightning.
(Actually, there's a a 0.6% chance of a woman being exposed to an STD through no fault of their own versus 0.016% of people being struck by lightning.)
Your data are from a one-sided source that combines rape with attempted rape, a misleading statistical trick (which is it, rape or not?). The same source claims that 3% of men are raped, which is absurd.
The vaccine protects against only a tiny percentage of STDs, and you haven't factored that in either. When you do an objective analysis, you'll see that the risk of being struck by lightning is higher, which is hardly a risk anyone incurs costs and risks adverse effects to avoid.
The same source claims that 3% of men are raped, which is absurd
Yes, it is absurd. The number is probably a little bit higher.
The same source claims that 3% of men are raped, which is absurd.
Everyone in the prison system would like a word with you.
...being protected against an STD doesn't mean you're going to go out and automatically start having unprotected sex all willy nilly. Besides, you can catch it other ways than just sex, as with a LOT of other STDs.
It does my heart good to see that a Conservapedia contributor (or, quite possibly, yet another *former* contributor) has a lick of sense.
@ JonathanE: Most churches have fire extinguishers and fire insurance, too.
Your data are from a one-sided source that combines rape with attempted rape
How does this matter in case of STDs? I got mono during a 4 month period in which I was quite certainly not kissed. :(
The same source claims that 3% of men are raped
I can't see the source because I refuse to go to CP, but I'm quite sure the aschfly didn't pute up a rafuting source.
The vaccine protects against only a tiny percentage of STDs, and you haven't factored that in either.
Well, that's actually a good point. Can pigs fly yet?
But the ashfly forgets one tiny detail. Here's a similar position:
Adding airbags to cars only prevents a tiny fraction of deaths. Not driving at all prevents all possible car-related injuries, therefor we shouldn't install airbags in cars.
Why is combining two similar categories in a statistical analysis misleading, since they must have made it clear they were doing so for you to pick it out?
917677 has a good point with: "Besides, you can catch it other ways than just sex, as with a LOT of other STDs." (see the person against hep B vaccine for her baby a few days ago)
It's kind of unrelated to rape, but it's possible that a girl can marry someone who is not a virgin and already has the virus, and therefore she gets it despite having "waited". (To which you would of course reply that she shouldn't marry him because he wouldn't wait, which I think is a stupid reason not to marry someone unless it's somehow a symptom of a character flaw you can't live with.)
Andy, I hope you go to prison, get raped, and catch AIDS, just to show how fucking stupid that comment was.
If your opponent points out why your fucking stupid, demand they provide a source. When they provides a source claim its biased, one-sided or just absurd. Do this to any source that doesnt agree with you. Ignore your opponents silly complaints about how your sources have "no credentials whatsoever" or "admits it will never acknowledge any opposing evidence".
The same source claims that 3% of men are raped, which is absurd.
Yes it is absurd. It's probably greatly underreported.
By the way, i assume your objective and unbiased source of statistics is your anus?
I wouldn't get that vaccine if I were young enough, and my daughter won't be getting it while she's under my roof. I don't believe it's been tested long enough. We have no idea what the long term side effects are. And the fact that they tried to make it mandatory in Texas SHOULD make everyone suspicious.
But this has absolutely nothing to do with god or religion.
"The same source claims that 3% of men are raped, which is absurd."
Well, I guess based on Andy's uncited assertion, we should certainly accept that it is, in fact, absurd.
"The vaccine protects against only a tiny percentage of STDs, and you haven't factored that in either."
I'm not sure this is true, but let's assume it is. Still, so what? Wouldn't you rather protect against a tiny percentage of STDs rather than none?
[The same source claims that 3% of men are raped, which is absurd. ]
Since most rapes go unreported, that number would probably be a bit higher.
Pffft. It's Andy Schlafly. Ignore.
@aaa -- dude, like I said, it's Andy Schlafly. He's not worthy my time or energy.
@Malkavian Jeff
"Why does conservapedia exist again?"
So it can be a constant reminder that sources from experts, facts, and actual statistical data, mean nothing if a person has a predisposed bias towards a contrary position.
Also, to provide a near endless source of amusement towards the rest of us who don't think like this.
What's the matter, facts start to contradict your petty ideology?
Trust me, many men get raped. Most just cannot tell about it, well you wouldn't either if you had rusty pipe in your ass.
I don't get it, what is it with fundies overwhelming psychological terror about sex, particularly in regard to women? I'll bet that if the vaccine was prevention for prostate cancer in men, they wouldn't hesitate to allow it.
Osiris wins.
I notice Andy has no data for how many young kids are actually given an innoculation at age 6 and think they're immediately cleared for sex. Indeed, because there are none. If they even know what it is, you simply spend the remainder of their pre-pubescence drilling in whatever your family's mores happen to be.
"The HPV vaccine also guards against cervical cancer, which is NOT an STD"
I'm pretty sure nearly all cervical cancer is caused by HPV actually. Though merely having HPV isn't enough to cause cancer. The virus has to persist and then sorta get messed up so it enters the host genome and the parts of the virus which interfere with the host cell's replication are no longer regulated properly by the virus.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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