I'm just pointing out that your assertion is factually incorrect. The definition of atheism is not recognizing the existence of a god or gods. The alt right worships Donald Trump as a god and prays to him. Therefore they're not atheists by definition.
While there are definitely some fools on the alright who pretty much worship him like you said, there are many more who simply think he's a better option then many and a good president, or just better then Hillary. Thats pretty damn stupid, but its not worship. They can definitely still be atheists. There are always assholes and fools in every group once it reaches a reasonable size, though some groups have many more then others.
No, they worship their won white skin on the alt right. Anyways, i'm pretty sure your home is with the alt right, considering you're a fascist islamaphope.
This is a needless submission from our own comments section where it could have been dealt with quite effectively. Why do we have to copy comments onto our main page and make the site needlessly untidy? And why must we give visitors the impression that FSTDT is imploding on itself... a constant civil war of pots on one side and kettles on the other? Isn't it kind of couterproductive?
As for NeoMatrix's comment itself, this is pretty innocuous by comparison to most of his hateful screeds. Inaccurate, maybe, but if every inaccurate comment was submitted to the main page, there would be fifty posts per day.
Or maybe someone just likes taking any comment by NeoMatrix and automatically submitting it regardless of content.
You know what,I agree.Neo may be a dingus, but putting every stupid thing he says on the board is just petty bullying, and frankly hypocritical from some people.He may be a fundie en facto, but lets not clog the board up with everything he says, with stupid statements like this for example.
You're like the strawman that fundamentalists trot out.
This is exactly the same, exactly the same , as when fundamentalists say atheists 'worship science' or 'worship themselves' or 'worship Darwin'. No one literally prays to Donald Trump.
I'm no fan of the alt-right, what with them being horrific bigoted nazis and all, but if they don't believe in a god or gods, that makes them an atheist. No two ways about it. And no, they do not believe that Donald Trump is literally a god.
Damn. While I admire Neo's hatred of Drumpf and his fanatics (which mirrors my own, in a way), this may be pushing it a little too far. His closest supporters are brainwashed idiots, yes, but I wouldn't call it a religion.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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