It's obvious homosexuals HATE marriage and what it stands for. Thats why the want to change and destroy what it's definition is.
Actually, homosexuals must love marriage, since they want it so bad.
People that hate marriage (like me), want it to be abolished entirely, and for all married couples to be stripped of their associated rights.
As far as I'm concerned, you either let everyone marry, or you don't let anyone marry.
So what is the definition of marriage? I kind of like Bill Maher's statement about how it's the process by which two people pair up, share living expenses, and eventually stop having sex with each other.
They want to get married because... they hate marriage?
To quote Bender, "are you familiar with the old robot saying 'DOES NOT COMPUTE'?"
It's obvious homosexuals want marriage and what it stands for. That's why they need to be able to spend their lives with someone they love.
There, fixed it for you. It sounds better now. Still silly that we even have to discuss the issue in the new millenium, but now it sounds much more xtian-like.
Pat, it might be a good idea for you to meet, and talk to, an actual gay person once in your life. Then maybe you'd find out that we don't give a rat's ass what straight people are doing. They want to get married, fine! They want to not, fine! It's irrelevant to us and what we want for ourselves: equal rights, the ability to share our lives with someone we love and grant that person the same legal protections as would be granted if they were of the opposite gender. Is that REALLY that hard to understand?
Yeah, that's why my beloved and I are taking an extra side trip to Massachusetts later this week to get re-married by a justice of the peace. (Our first legal marriage got invalidated by Massachusetts judges 'cause we came from out of state.) We're doing this because we hate marriage. Hate hate hate marriage. That also explains why we wear our rings. And it really truly explains why, when my female cousin and her male cousin (who met at our wedding) got married, we were their co-matrons of honor. Man, we just plain hate marriage!
Yeah, homosexuals have been fighting for decades for equal marriage laws, because they hate marriage and want to destroy it!
Or, ya know, not...
Marriage - legal contract between two consenting adults, to live together indefinitely and care for each other
Sure, it's more equal than the Bible version*, and only adults need apply, but I think it's much nicer. If anything, it's improved greatly.
* Bible version is rather transferring of ownership of commodity (one woman) from father to husband. Age of said commodity is of little or no importance, as is its opinion in the matter.
“It's obvious homosexuals HATE marriage”
That’s why they want equal access to it. Yep. That’s sane.
“and what it stands for”
It stands for joining property with your loved one and enjoying certain established benefits for taxes, parenting, inheritance, legal proxy, medical proxy, healthcare, and parking.
"Thats why the want to change and destroy what it's definition is.”
I’ve been married for almost forty years and lived in Massachusetts since they legalized it. My marriage has not changed in nature or legal definition in that time. You’re talking out your ass.
All they want is when the person they love most in the world is in Intensive Care and teh nurse says ‘only immediate family’ they can say, “I AM!”
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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