["Species don't decend from only two individuals. Populations simply don't work that way.
Don't disagree with me, just tell me if Adam and or Eve where white, black, Asian, Polynesian, American Indian, or rainbow?"]
Obviously, within Adam is the DNA for all colors of people and bone structure. And YES, SPECIES do descend from two individuals which is why the ark was loaded in pairs.
If you believe in the story of Noah, litterally as written in the Bible, you are one of the most stupid, retarded people on the planet.
Even when I was in primary school I remember thinking "bullshit!" (or words to that effect lol) when I was told the story. And I believed in God, Jesus etc. etc. back then.
Well done, you have intelleigence and reasoning skills below that of a child whose age is still in single digits. How do you survive in the real world?
Oh, boy. But, to follow fundie reason...
Ah, ok. So, a "kind" is the same of "species"
Glad at least one person clarified that, huh?
don't think Jen wants to go thru this line of thinking...
Here's some more "wisdom" from that same thread:
"All tribes are traced back to Noah and his sons who repopulated the earth after the flood. Apparently, white went North, Indian went East/South and black went South/West."
A species could descend from two individuals (if the creature in question has two sexes, anyway), actually. Many island forms must have started that way, for instance. Look up 'founder effect'.
Adam also had to harbor every germ, virus, pathogen and parasite that afflict humans today. They had to start somewhere, right?
Once again, no, it doesn't work that way.
1. Adam could only have two alleles for each thing his body had to produce. It is not at all obvious because Adam was not a geneticist and God didn't see fit to provide us with a copy of Adam's genome. And where did Eve come from? Adam. So that means that between their potential four alleles they would only have had two alleles, unless God decided to do a little genetic engineering (of which he also did not see fit to provide us with the details).
2. No, they don't. Species "happen" when a population (group of several interbreeding individuals) becomes separated somehow (in an interbreeding sense) from the parent population. What you refer to is a founder event, which some animals have been subject to (cheetahs, e.g.) and others have not. This is not the same as speciation (the animals in your example had -already- speciated), and it leads to a potentially disastrous situation.
Arcturus wrote:
The arc wasn't loaded in pairs. Read your bible.
This is another area where the Bible contradicts itself.
Genesis 6:19
Of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark.
Genesis 7:2
Of every clean beast thou shalt take thee by sevens, the male and his female.
I suppose if you take seven of the clean beasts you've tecnically taken two (three times, with the spare one to sacrifice when the flood's over) but that seems a bit contrived to me.
...And Adam's power level was OVER 9000!
And Eve being created from Adam made me wonder: If this is so, then there should be technically no difference between hetero- and homosexual relations. Because a man plus a woman is f***ing yourself if you believe in Genesis, y/y?
. And YES, SPECIES do descend from two individuals
Only the same species are born from two individuals. Please, you are so stupid, please don't breed.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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