So there are no beautiful black mothers for this child in your Cheerios commercials. Amazing how this happens. The Cheerios-buying public may not like having interracial, immigration, integration, or gays shoved down their throats in any way, shape, or form. Another case of the media showing us how the USA should accept all that is being shown to us as "good". (We all know what a wonderful job media has done on the younger population in the USA by pushing all the filth and trash they can on tv and in movies. All the filth is made to look normal, but the reality is, it's not normal.) My option is, of course, not to watch any of this junk and I don't, and to not buy from the advertisers, and I don't.
Being PC is old now, and I want to be able to decide if I want to see gays, interracial, immigration, integration on my tv, and I still think I can decide for myself who or what I like. I can also decide what products are pushing my likes and dislikes. By the way we won't be shoving Cheerios down our throats either. Be aware that Cheerios is not the only company pushing this stuff and it's not the only company that I will not purchase their products.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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