David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
Many mothers have wept in bitter tears in court, as their children were legally taken away from them, because of nothing more than whipping the child in discipline. I knew a woman who took her daughter in the bathroom of a library to give her a needed spanking. As she left the bathroom with her daughter, she noticed a woman on the phone, with a disgusted look on her face, and in her tone. The mother sensed possible trouble and left the library as quickly as possible after returning her books. As the mother was leaving the library, she saw several police cars racing into the parking lot. It was too late. The police abducted her children on the spot. God says in Proverb 13:24 that a loving and responsible parent spanks their child from an early age; yet idiots like Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Benjamin Spock call it child abuse. Do you think you own your child? Not in America! You may lose your kids to the system if you spank them or refuse to make guinea pigs out of them.
If you don't vaccinate your child, you can be charged with child abuse. Yet, vaccinations have been PROVEN deadly in millions of cases. The U.S. government paid out $800,000,000 in lawsuit settlements between 1990-1997 to parents of children who either died or suffered permanent health damage because of vaccinations gone awry. So instead of informing parents of viable natural methods to protect children, the government remain silent to allow the Pharmaceutical companies to continue making trillions of dollars in blood money (and millions of children suffer). Did you know that autism is caused by the mercury in vaccinations? Yep! Mercury is used as a substrate in the vaccination to allow multiple vaccinations in one shot. Record numbers of Americans are today suffering with autism as a result. Do a web search under "vaccination dangers" and plan to be shocked.