David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Communist Cuban Government Has More Horsesense Than American Churches: Bans NIV!

I was so encourage yesterday, when I learned that the government of Cuba rejected a shipment of 17,000 copies of the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible. The NIV is perverse and corrupt! In the following 1:23 hour MP3 presentation, Dr. Gail Riplinger, exposes what is wrong with the modern Bible perversions: NEW AGE BIBLE VERSIONS. I'd like to say, “Thank you,” to Cuba's President, Raul Castro, on behalf of born-again Christians everywhere for lifting the ban against the Bible since 2015, and most of all, for having the wisdom to recognize that the NIV is worthless!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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