(Unemployment for Jeebus!)
It's not that minor either though, interesting story, one I have dealt with in several jobs myself as well. Once they find out you are one of God's children, they mob you right on out of there, either forcing you into quitting, or just blatanlty terminating. Interestingly enough, when a stronger animal is around a group of weaker animals, the weaker animals will team up, surround the stronger animal, and mob him or her out of the scene; identify, subjugate, eliminate, much like geese will do to a fox. This is very relevant for today's Christians and can be read about in the book, "Mobbing by Noa Davenport" I recommend you read the reviews for it on Amazon at least. My heart goes out to you with that situation though, as it has kept me out of work for about 8 years now, even though I'm more than willing and able to work. GBU & take care.
I call BS, I've been unemployed a lot in the last 7 years (thank you 9/11) but I can still find a job or two for a little while. I think he's just sitting around complaining and collecting SS no doubt... of which, not being christian, single, and no kids, I can't qualify for.
I don't believe you are telling the story fully or accurately. I bet you were terminated for being incompetent and you're blaming it of religious persecution to "save face." Perhaps you are unemployeed because you can stop bothering fellow employees with your evangelism. There's got to be mot\re to the story. In a nation overwhelmingly populated with Christians, any mostly inoffensive Christian ought to be avble to get a job.
In job interviews the interviewer is not allowed to ask what religion you are. I they do ask, you are not required to answer.
People may figure it out by seeing the cross around your neck, or the fish on your car, but they won't care as long as you keep it TO YOURSELF.
Being a bum for seven years?
Whatever happened to 'whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your heart', and all that?
Let me guess: You're a lousy employee, stupid and lazy; yet you constantly pester your coworkers about Jebus, distracting them from doing their jobs. Eventually your boss gets sick of it and cans you. Since exactly the same thing has happened at your previous dozen jobs, nobody else will hire you. You decide, "Oh well, must be God's will; the lord shall provide for His servant."
Except he doesn't. So now you're looking for excuses: "Errr ... ummm ... persecution! Yeah, that's it!"
Loser. You deserve it.
Uh, if you're being fired simply for being Christian call the ACLU, that's what they're there for! But then, you're probably just lying for Jebus because if you had an actual case of a violation of your First Amendment rights you'd have already pursued that legal option. Fucking hypocrites.
Apparently this guy has been able to pay rent, food, clothes and a number of other things for 8 years without income. I would like to do the same, just not sure how...
"Those darn atheists blackballed me! That's why I haven't had a job in 8 years! I swear!"
What, that parallel economy not working out for you? I guess God isn't telling employers to hire you right now.
"Interestingly enough, when a stronger animal is around a group of weaker animals, the weaker animals will team up, surround the stronger animal, and mob him or her out of the scene; identify, subjugate, eliminate, much like geese will do to a fox."
You're not seriously asking us to perceive you as a predator, are you? Because, to be honest, it's nearer the truth than I had ever expected a fundie to admit.
~David D.G.
Once they find out you are a hypocritical, holier-than-thou, judgmental bigot who pesters people who hold different beliefs and tries to proselytize for his own narrow religious views, they mob you right on out of there, either forcing you into quitting, or just blatanlty terminating.
There. Fixed.
It's not that minor either though, interesting story, one I have dealt with in several jobs myself as well. Once they find out you are one of God's GAY children, they mob you right on out of there, either forcing you into quitting, or just blatanlty terminating.
A much more likely scenario
You got fired from McDonalds didn't you?
You're alone, no kids, a virgin and only have a few days at McDonalds for expirence.
The only thing you can do if become an hero.
I wonder, with so many Christian, even fundies, in the various jobs I had, would it be that you were fired because you're a total nullity working or because your proselytising started to be harrassing?
Maybe instead of feeling sorry for yourself, you should go find a fucking job!
Nope, keep praying, I'm sure God will send a job right to your front door.
Oh, and the fox/geese anology? Ever heard of tolling? Foxes play on the edge of the water to attract the said geese close enough to be grabbed. Certain breeds of dogs do this too and are used for hunting. Tolling is becoming more popular since the new laws saying water fowl hunters have to use steel shot instead of lead.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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