Why do poor people make copies of themselves? Is it not child abuse to create these copies, knowing that in all likelyhood they will be forced to face the same struggle as their parents?
I'm not arguing for forced sterilization but if you are born into poverty and you have a problem with that; your parents chose this life for you.
I'm relatively rich and even I hate my parents for creating me and forcing me to endure this crappy society.
How about some honesty; Society does not need more average people. Giving your life purpose and meaning or making you happy are not a good enough reasons to make a copy of yourself.
"How about some honesty; Society does not need more average people."
How about some honesty, we need a society where at least 70% of people are above average.
Someone doesn't understand procreation. Or the idea that someone can come from any background and make something of themselves.
Your misanthropy is not a good enough reason to bash procreation by claiming it makes copies of people.
Also, if there were fewer 'average' people, whatever group was in the majority would be the new average anyway. Therefore, the middle 68.2% (assuming a normal distribution) will always be 'average'.
Cunt. I agree that children of poor people will most likely be poor themselves - that, however, is a societal problem, a lack of upward mobility. That was not always the case - my grandparents on my father side were both born, raised and died working class, but both their sons went to university and were/are pretty middle class in their adult life. At a time where my grandparents hand no money whatsoever - because university was free (we're talking 1970s Germany here.)
And even if you assume all poor people to be stupid - which is untrue - I know quite a few rather smart people whose parents are pretty dense motherfuckers, so it can't be all genetics anyway.
We should not live in a society where this is a very valid point. I decided not to reproduce for many reasons. Chief among them was that I just didn't want it badly enough, but also huge reasons for me are the environment, my disability and American politics. The world is overpopulated. We don't need more people full stop. I was born with a moderate visual impairment and have a relatively high chance of passing it on to any off spring. I cannot watch my child endure the same discrimination both professionally and socially that I have experienced. It is not OK and it is not getting better. (I'm a professional woman with multiple masters degrees in my early 40s. I've been there done that.) With the politics of screw you, I've got mine reigning supreme in the US, I do not want to bring a child into a world without a social safety net. I do not want to bring a child into a world without the understanding that we deserve a decent life because we are human and because there is no reason resources could not be distributed to ensure we all have a decent life. I consider not reproducing the single greatest act of rebellion I can carry out against an unjust system. History has also shown that when populations decrease, labor becomes more scarce which puts upward pressure on wages.
I think everyone who wants to should be able to parent. If you want five kids and aren't wealthy, you should be able to do so. I might think your decision is wrong, but you have every right to make it. Once children are here, they deserve adequate nutrition, housing, clothing and education, no matter where and to whom they were born. However, we need to be honest when we talk about reproduction. It is not for everyone and that is more than OK. People need to think, really think, about whether or not they want to parent, and not just do it because it's the next step in life. Some people regret the decision to parent and this needs to be discussed more honestly and openly. We have the ability to control our reproduction and we should.
>Why do poor people make copies of themselves?
They do? Is there some fad with affordable human cloning that I've missed? I'll admit that I don't watch TV and generally try to avoid most people as much as possible, so it wouldn't be hard for me to miss. However the simpler solution is that you don't understand how babby is formed.
>How about some honesty; Society does not need more average people.
You don't understand what an average is either, do you? I mean come on, they teach you this in like third or fourth grade. If most people had the intellect of Einstein, then Einstein would have been average. No matter what the majority of people are always going to be average.
To add to what Azereaux said:
No. Just no.
Dyz must have talked to very few parents/people desiring children, or at least those who are not fanatics. As someone who is currently in transistion to independent adulthood, as well as a (future) family man: Nostalgia aside, sane parents WANT to see their children grow up into their own persons.
By ensuring that your children grow up to be compassionate, thinking people, you are contributing to the improvement of their generation's society. Yes, it may be small, but it is probably the deepest a normal individual can accomplish.
Oh, and when he(?) got called out on his bullshit in the original thread, Dyz answered with mental illnes denial by portraying clinical depression as the effect of figuring out the horrible truth about society. In case this sound familiar: Both this "depression=bleak enlightenment" and "I hate my parents for birthing me into this cruel words" are extremely popular sentiments among incels.
So let's let the sickest, most mentally twisted misanthropes decide on public policy, shall we? I mean, what could be more logical than hating your parents for giving birth to you. Shouldn't they have known beforehand what a miserable specimen of humanity you would turn out to be?
If you are "relatively rich" and you turn out like this, it's pretty obvious that family poverty isn't the defining factor.
And I thought I was a misanthrope!
I never "made any copies of myself" because I don't want the responsibility for them. They're noisy, expensive, time consuming & I don't want greasy little kiddie fingers all over my Hot Toys & Sideshow figures.
I agree somewhat. A lot of people are poor because they're stupid; and they're going to pass that stupidity down to their children, biologically and socially. For every rags to riches story, there's a thousand rags to rags stories. If you can't afford to support a child, you probably shouldn't have one.
Unless you're as rich as Bill Gates, cut your own bollocks off.
(*Crickets chirp *)
...thought not. There's your own 'argument' castrated, then.
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