Very I'm a die-hard Creationist who happily admits to your so called 'intellectual laziness' and who is -very- proud of it (considering what you meant by that phrase) Isn't it amazing though, according to all of you (or at least the evolutionists that I've talked to in the past) we should all be getting smarter, yet even the most brilliant today don't know how they built the pyramids or stonehedge without our fantasic modern equipment.. they're not even sure how the pyramids were built, period! And yet we're all so very intellectual and smart! Survival of the fittest at work, yes indeedy.
The amazing part about the pyramids is that the base is almost perfectly square. I bet they're so large because they kept measuring them and kept adding until they were sized properly.
But, yes, no secret to how they were built.
"Very I'm a die-hard Creationist who happily admits to your so called 'intellectual laziness' and who is -very- proud of it (considering what you meant by that phrase)"
"die-hard Creationist" = I rejest all evidence that doesn't support my fairy tale.
Imagine, being proud of "intellectual laziness."
"Isn't it amazing though, according to all of you (or at least the evolutionists that I've talked to in the past) we should all be getting smarter, yet even the most brilliant today don't know how they built the pyramids or stonehedge without our fantasic modern equipment.. they're not even sure how the pyramids were built, period! And yet we're all so very intellectual and smart! Survival of the fittest at work, yes indeedy."
The ToE doesn't say we are necessarily getting smarter. If an individual was smarter and that provided his offspring (and only his offspring) a survival advantage such evolution toward higher intelligence might take place. However, the way we now share the benefits of higher intelligence, it no longer benefit just those who possess that higher intelligence, therefore, the likelyhood of evolving higher and higher intelligence is probably very limited.
A couple of years ago PBS ran several programs showing how the pyramids, stonehenge and other great ancient structures could have been built with the technologies of their days. Please try to keep up with the class.
"they're not even sure how the pyramids were built, period!"
Dave Lister: "They had whips, Rimmer. Massive, massive whips."
Actually, current thought is that the pyramids were massive public works projects done by regular citizens (mainly farmers), not slaves, during periods when the Nile was in inundation. The only real confusion about how it was done has to do with the exact methods of getting the blocks raised to successively higher levels -- by a single long ramp, by a "corscrew" ramp following the contours of the pyramid, by hoisting levers, or what.
Why don't we know this? Because the ancient Egyptians evidently never saw fit to write down their methodologies, that's why! If there were absolutely no written records of our building methods and only a hazy knowledge of our culture, people a few thousand years from now might not be able to figure out our exact methods for building the Luxor Hotel -- but they'll figure out the basics of it easily enough, if not the fine details.
~David D.G.
Who begins an (already weak) argument by claiming "intellectual laziness"?
I don't think they had mobile phones, space travel or the internet back in Ancient Egypt.
I don't think their buildings were as big as ours either.
They were some nice pyramids, but I think they probably built them by stacking stones on top of each other in a rough pyramid shape.
That'd be my guess.
I'm pretty sure we're smarter.
First of all, we do know how they were built.
Second, let's put that aside and make like we don't now. The fact that science can't answer a question doesn't mean it never will be able to. Or should we stop looking for a cure for cancer?
I guess AmericanGirl didn't see that doco on national geographic detailing exactly how stonehenge was built...
There probably isn't much point in me saying it as everyone who will read this already knows, but in the few thousand years since the construction of the pyramids, the human brain has evolved so little that there is no percievable difference. Our technology advances because we build opon the collective knowlege of those before us, not because we get smarter.
Well if you cracked a science book instead of being proud of your ignorance you might realize that evolution never promised we’d get smarter. Evolution can go backwards. Example: If you and your family moved into a dark cave on a permanent basis and started procreating, around the time of your one hundredth generation later your offspring would no longer be born with eyes or pigment. If there’s no selective pressure for light sensing organs and UV protecting cover they’d go away. In other word; use it or lose it. I’m pretty sure the same is true for your brain (in fact I suspect this process has already begun for you.)
If you don’t believe me you’re welcome to try moving in the cave, it’ll be a nice change for the rest of us.
“Very I'm a die-hard Creationist who happily admits to your so called 'intellectual laziness' and who is -very- proud of it (considering what you meant by that phrase).”
We mean you believe bullshit for bullshit reasons and cannot research your way out of treehouse.
“Isn't it amazing though, according to all of you (or at least the evolutionists that I've talked to in the past) we should all be getting smarter, yet even the most brilliant today don't know how they built the pyramids”
That’s not a matter of ‘smart’ it’s a matter of specific knowledge.
Like one of today’s engineers who created the gyrocompassing technology who can’t start a Model T Ford. Very smart, but lacking a specific skill.
“or stonehedge without our fantasic modern equipment.. they're not even sure how the pyramids were built, period!”
A shitload of manpower. And a long time. Not all that mysterious.
"And yet we're all so very intellectual and smart! Survival of the fittest at work, yes indeedy.”
You’re mocking out of ignorance. how hard would it have been to find out how sure we are we know how they built Stonehenge, and HOW we know?
THAT is the intellectual laziness you are so proud of.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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