Why do you suppose that none of any group of ancient people in the world ever talked about their ape ancestors? The history of every group of people is passed along to its descendants by the written or spoken word of their ancestors. So why has no group of people ever talked about their ancestors clubbing each other or not being able to utter any words, or being completely covered in hair, or what they did for a living, etc.? It's funny how that is absent. But the Jews, the Egyptians, the Chinese, etc. can all talk about their ancestors of ancient times. That's why we have their history. But their ape ancestors are never mentioned by them. Why do you think that is?
Because it was a very long time ago?
Because history was not yet established?
Because even 4000 year old stories are wildly inaccurate -- heck, even 100 year old stories?
Because the change from apelike common-ancestor to modern human did not occur in exactly one generation?
Because even if it had, there was only one very small generation telling about it to their uninterested kids?
Because before sophisticated language, there is no oral history?
I could go on.
"So why has no group of people ever talked about their ancestors clubbing each other or not being able to utter any words . . ."
Perhaps because their ancestors, not being able to utter any words, could not tell their children they were unable to speak, so the story was not passed down from generation to generation.
You are a moron. Why do you think that is?
Um. It took a little while, for, you know, writing to be invented, and therefore recording of historical events.
The history of every group of people is passed along to its descendants by the written or spoken word of their ancestors.
So why has no group of people ever talked about their ancestors clubbing each other or not being able to utter any words, or being completely covered in hair, or what they did for a living, etc.?
Notice the fundie's complete inability to put two and two together.
Zipperback, good point. Someone with an account on CARM should go over and point it out to Carico.
Maybe ... err, no. She will not be able to figure out the implications of her own writing. Carico is as dense as a human can be. Which is a little bit sad, because her grammer and vocabulary is not that bad, compared to other idiots that get posted here.
"Why do you suppose that none of any group of ancient people in the world ever talked about their ape ancestors? The history of every group of people is passed along to its descendants by the written or spoken word of their ancestors."
"So why has no group of people ever talked about their ancestors clubbing each other or not being able to utter any words, or being completely covered in hair, or what they did for a living, etc.?"
Because they couldn't talk!
Why don't the Chinese, Navajo, etc, etc, etc, talk about their descent from Adam & Eve?
Libkitten: While, I understand your point, we didn't go from Neanderthal to Modern Man at all, they were an instance of parallel evolution and we coexisted for a while before they died off. At least, that's what the scientific consensus was a few years ago, I'm not sure now...
So why has no group of people ever talked about their ancestors clubbing each other or not being able to utter any words, or being completely covered in hair, or what they did for a living?
What they did for a living? Because industry predates spoken word in fundy-land?
Carico, if not a troll, has got to be one of the most simpleminded of people; this is the kind of argument one would expect from a small child. The fact that Carico's posts are grammatically pretty good just makes for a more amazingly stark contrast with the apalling ignorance and stupidity of their content.
~David D.G.
I know Carico well enough to know that she isn't a troll, or else she is the best and most eleborate troll I have ever seen. I am thinking that Carico has some kind of mental illness, one that doesn't impede her knowledge of English. Most of all, I suspect she is just a hardcore flaming fundie.
Perhaps because it took so long that the stories were forgotten, and the changes were so slow that no one noticed to write stories, anyhow.
Oh, hell, why am I pretending to try to explain it to heidi? She wouldn't listen, and probably couldn't understand, anyhow.
"But the Jews, the Egyptians, the Chinese, etc. can all talk about their ancestors of ancient times."
But the further back their stories go, the less believable they become. Their ancestors were gods (or talked to gods), they did all sorts of magic stuff, they lived for hundreds of years, fought incredible battles, were amazingly heroic, etc (sound like the Old Testament?). Without writing, human memory just isn't reliable for more than a few generations. Can Carico tell anything about her great-great-great grandparents, or even know who they were?
ApostateAbe is right. She's not a troll. In fact, I believe she lives just across the river from where I live. Most of the folks around here are pretty fundy, but thankfully not like this one. She's (hopefully) one of a kind.
I just have to applaude her abilty to amaze nearly everyone she comes into contact with. How she makes it through a day without locking herself in her refrigerator or accidentally stabbing herself with a spoon is beyond me.
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