Austin Willcut #fundie
You're right on some stuff and very wrong on others. I agree man is a soul(Read genesis, the creation of Adam) but he was not created mortal either.....Adam and Eve were immortal until the fall of man and sin, that's where death came in. Only through Christ/repentance/regeneration/getting saved can we go back to God's original plan for humanity before Satan butted in and receive eternal life in Heaven....simple as that. Man was always intended to be immortal because God is immortal and we're created in His's just common sense and it's Biblical. The whole "spirit departing from the body after death" comes from Platonism and Gnosticism and is not Biblical at all.....very pagan stuff and complete bullshit. A lot of people get these things backwards including Christians who are very ignorant and don't read scripture carefully or do research. No, the Bible does not teach "annihilationism" where are you getting that? Scripture please. The Bible is very clear on eternal punishment/lake of fire(plenty of scripture for this), man is eternal either way no matter what you believe because the Bible/God says so. We're only "mortal" for a short while. The question is: where are people going to spend eternity? Heaven or's that simple.