Marsupialism was a reaction to fulfill Gods command to fill the earth quick. Marsupialism is a process to maintain steady production. out of the womb quick and another in. In fact the males sometimes have two penises i believe. Same principal.
As the picture shows the difference is less then between males and females of the same species. Yet we know they are the same.
Wuh? Uhh no.
And if the point was to "fill the earth up quick", then why not have all animals lay clutches of eggs like fish or crabs or reptiles?
In fact, why would an omnipotent being able to create infinite space and all the matter in it need to make the animals to breed quickly. Why not just make all the animals all at once out of nothing?
As an Australian I feel I can officially say: You clearly don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. Now go back to your cave and wait for the world to end.
And the fundies sure like banging 'ism' onto words, don't they? Stupidism, that's what it is.
Aha, but now we have cars to run over possums. Didn't think of that, huh, smartypants?
(Shut up, possums are the only marsupial around where I live.)
Two penises eh?
Lucky old marsupials.
Marsupialism was a reaction to fulfill Gods command to fill the earth quick
Marsupialism is a word made up by an ignorant fundie, who has no idea what he is talking about.
Marsupialism is a process to maintain steady production. out of the womb quick and another in
Then why do 99% of all marsupials live in just one area of the earth, an area that is cut off from the rest of the planet? If the intention was to fill the earth quick then why did you all-powerful "god" put marsupials somewhere that they could not populate the earth?
In fact the males sometimes have two penises i believe
I don't know alot about the sex organs of marsupials, but I think you're full of shit. What benefit would an extra penis provide? Is this extra penis positioned elsewhere so that it can impregnate 2 females as once? What would be the benefit of that? why couldn't it just impregnate them one after the other?
"Marsupialism was a reaction to fulfill Gods command to fill the earth quick."
I just knew it was Byers as soon as I saw "marsupialism".
"Marsupialism is a process to maintain steady production. out of the womb quick and another in."
Then why didn't humans have such a quality after Da Flud when it would have been quite useful?
"In fact the males sometimes have two penises i believe. Same principal."
Or not.
"As the picture shows the difference is less then between males and females of the same species. Yet we know they are the same."
Same what? Gender, species, size, shape? C'mon, don't leave us in suspense.
Also, @Giveitaday: Marsupial males do, indeed, have "two" penises. Technically it's a single penis but it forks at the end. The females have a corresponding number of vaginae also.
Oh, and on the issue of having two penises:
Nurse shark males have two completely separate penises, one sticking out of the left side of their bodies and one sticking out of the right side.
This is because they can't be sure, when they approach a female, whether they're going to be mating from the left or from the right.
Marsupialism was a reaction to fulfill Gods command to fill the earth quick.
No kangaroos, koalas and other marsupials are religious now?
Pure weapons class bullshit.
Monotremes, too, are the same way. They make an excellent "STFU N00B" when confronted by trasitional-craving fundies. Eichidna males have four penile openings, but only two work at once, on one side or the other, essentially like reptiles, who have a pair of hemipenes, with only one or the other functioning at once.
And yet 90% of marsupials ended up on an island totally isolated from the rest of the world. Yeah, completely logical.
And two penises? Just how the hell would that work?
I heard it was a forked penis. And it's only found on opossums, I think. They still can only mate with one female at a time.
Why the hell do I know this?
I wish I had a picture of the face I inadvertently made after reading this. It is the only way to adequately convey the sheer amount of WTF this post produces.
Seriously, it had me at "Marsupialism".
Bwahhahahaahahaa. Thank you for the amusement.
Why didn't god just poof everything into existence then?
If god was perfect, why did it need to create "anything"? It should have been content with itself.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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