>Spylobster The Barber
Crusade is also used as a "generic trademark" (like Aspirin for acetylsalicylic acid, Kleenex for tissues et cetera) for "fanatical campaign against something".
Of course, the fact that he uses the term for himself certainly does not speak favourably about him...
Also, as far as I, a non-American who was still in elementary school at the time, know, the main rhetoric for Afghanistan was "Patriotism".
Also, the rhetorics used to justify the war to the own public are really not the best indicators for the real motivations.
So on to NeoMatrix himself:
You are an extremist of Antitheism - a vile concentration of all that is wrong about your ideology. But in the end, all extremists are the same, seeing the world in black and white, pure Good and pure Evil, generalising where beneficial while dismissing counterexamples, simplifying society history to a conflict between their ideology and those who want to suppress it, overrating the relevance of the past to current affairs, considering populism and propaganda to be acceptable ways for them (but only for them), attempting to radicalise their nominal faction, damaging to their cause's image, divorced from reality.
"Christians are greedy"
That "Capitalism is God's will" is (in modern times) pretty much exclusive to the USA. Elsewhere, the mainstream churches condemn corporate greed. Jesus (according to the Gospels*) fed the poor, disrupted the merchants at the Temple, said one could not serve both God and Mammon (i.e. money) and was pretty much a proto-communist.
"and hateful"
Some Christians pick portions of the Bible (generally from the old testament or the worse portions of Paul's letters) to justify their bigotry. Other Christians feel the call to follow Jesus, dedicating themselves to protect discriminated groups.
Also, everyone has prejudices, but mere prejudices are not hatred.
And really, you are one to talk about being hateful...
"by their very nature"
What is that even supposed to mean?
New Atheism/Antitheism is prone to overestimating the importance of religion in society, at least when it comes to negative influence, and to neglecting the fact that religions in turn are influenced by society themselves (i.e. Evangelical Christianity is homophobic because Evangelical Christians are homophobic, not just the other way round)
"and don't care about anyone else but themselves when the chips are down - not even their own children."
Actually, I am sure that most normal people (a large portion of which would describe themselves as Christians) would, if they really, truly had to choose, choose their family over their religion. Also, a certain estrangement between parents and progeny is entirely natural and inevitable.
"Oh sure they might seem kind at first glance, but their true colors eventually come out."
Most people do not react kindly to self-righteous arseholes (like you), It might even create hostility towards the valid points of their rants...
"Do I seriously NEED to go further into this?"
No, we all know that you are a ignorant, bigotted, populistic arsehole, so shut up already.
"Christians kill their own children by denying them healthcare [...] They also deny children food and education. Christians regularly obliterate economies with trickle-down economics, steal from the poor to give to the rich"
Again, that "Christian Capitalism" is pretty much exclusive to the USA.
"and then I see some stupid thing one of them said or did"
So why again are you better than the Christians and racists?
"I would be more than happy to leave Christians in peace if they weren't always trying to take over the US and turn it into a theocracy."
-The vast majority of US Americans are Christians. If all Christians were as you claim, the USA would already be a theocracy.
-Most Christians are not US American.
"No! I must kill the Christians" he shouted
FSTDT said "No, NeoMatrix. You are the Christians"
And then NeoMatrix was a Fundie.