I agree wholeheartedly with Mrs. John R. Rice (wife of the great evangelist Dr. John R. Rice), who said that 90% of all divorces is the wife's fault, because God created the wife to be a HELP MEET for her husband (Genesis 2:18). The wife's ministry IS her husband! Many women pluck their marriages down to the ground (Proverb 14:1). A husband has a Biblical God-given RIGHT to RULE OVER his wife (Genesis 3:16).
So little said, yet so much wrong. What's really sad is this kind of stuff no longer surprises me anymore. They do make it easy to tell right from wrong though... just look at what they say, then do the opposite.
Mummy's boy that needs the beardie book of the dead to bolster his manhood. See how he postures masculinely. See how he manfully parades his powerful superiority before the amazed eyes of the minor. See how Bible God does confer special preference to the needs of his penis, (NOTE: adults need not apply). Look it all up in the Genocidists Manual aka the Holy Bible..
@ anevilmeme: It's fundies not understanding Jacobean English. The verse in the KJV describes god looking for a helper for Adam: 'a help meet for him': meet = good, suitable.
To OP: beat it, kiddie-fiddler.
and a wife has a secular justice- system -given right to dump your pompous, ass...sucks to be you.
@Swimming With Crocoducks:
Lots and lots of pepper spray, I would guess.
That might be what the Bible says, but my magic book says that if a man wants to rule over a woman then he's an egotistical prick with no leadership qualities of his own, hence why he needs to be given power by default just for having a penis. My magic book also says that if a woman is met with that kind of man, she is to deliver a swift and righteous kick to his nether regions. Hey, I didn't say it, Zod said it.
You sick fuck. Many divorces (more than 10%, probably more like 30%, being generous to your misogyny) are the husband's fault, no small fraction of which are due to abuse on the husband's part.
So you want me to be able to rule over my wife when I'm married? No thanks. Even if I were to have special rights over non-Jews if I go to Israel (which I wouldn't on any large scale, contrary to what your batshit conspiracy theories say), I would not exercise them. Why? BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE! You, on the other hand, want husbands to be able to BEAT THEIR WIVES! DO YOU NOT SEE HOW MORALLY STAINED YOUR VIEW OF THE WORLD IS?! I HOPE YOU GO TO JAIL IF YOU BEAT YOUR WIFE! YOU SHOULD ALREADY BE IN FOR RAPING THAT LITTLE GIRL IN GUAM!
Ahem... sorry folks, spousal abuse is one of my Berserk Buttons. Stay classy, peepulz. Heh heh...
The fact that she refers to herself as Mrs. John R. Rice is very telling and disconcerting. It's like she doesn't think she's important enough to mention her OWN name. Nobody has the right to rule over someone else...least of all due to gender! When I get married, it will be an EQUAL partnership based on love and trust...like JeanP said. Also re: Genesis 3:16...that was addressed to EVE ALONE, you fucking moron! After the flood, God supposedly lifted the curse for humanity anyway. Also, there's this commandment: Honor thy father and thy *mother* (emphasis mine) Ball's in your court, Davey.
@ Swede: When I get married we'll take each other's last names...so we'll both be hyphenates. Thomas and Juliet Baron-Kent.
I like how he's reduced her to such a non-person that he doesn't address her by her name, but as Mrs-husband's name.
That's a very interesting level of anti-woman thinking.
90% of all divorces is the wife's fault, because God created the wife to be a HELP MEET for her husband (Genesis 2:18)
Well I guess God screwed up then ...
I remember reading a newspaper article a few years back. Husband was just beating the shit out of his wife until she raised her hands to ward him off. So he picked up a piece of 2X4 and beat her extra, special hard.
And when this mess appeared in court, the wife defended the husband on the grounds that, by raising her hands, she "enraged" him, so she deserved it all.
Makes me want to puke.
I skimmed over the crap on jesus-is-savory.com and the only one who says divorce is a no-no is little dave.Everyone else says don't get remarried. Did I miss something. I mean,except for all the sex and incest and drinking and mayhem and orgy for idols in the old testament,it gets old pretty fast.
@Swimming With Crocoducks
Sometimes when I read stuff like this, I imagine what it'd be like if the person who wrote it fell madly in love with a strong and confident woman who takes no shit.
Just to see what happens.
Somehow, I find it very difficult to imagine Dave the sociopath falling in genuine love... Now, falling madly in lust, OTH, that I can imagine, and the results would probably be (at best) what Grimsoncrow said: lots of pepper spray and at least a restraining order if not a prison sentence.
Ugh! Can you say "Stockholm Syndrome"? >_<
@Adrian: Aww, let me dream, though :c I'm a sucker for heel-face turn stories. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to imagine that a total asshat could see the error of their ways, even if it takes drastic circumstances.
...Or David is the second coming or Lord Voldemort. In which case any attempt at making him feel bad is hopeless, and we'd better get the horcrux search going.
John R. Rice was born in 1895 and I assume that his wife was about the same age. Calling yourself Mrs. John R. Rice was, in those days, quite normal; to have called herself Mrs Lloys Rice would have implied that she was divorced. This rule seems to have changed around 1970. It's a little example of how mores change with the times; the OP ought to take note, but I'm not holding my breath.
Mrs. John R Rice was the wife of John R Rice? No shit, I would have never guessed if you hadn't told me.
In the (paraphrased) words of my mother: "I took my husband's last name, not his full name. There's a big difference."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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