"Population Growth" would become a thing of the past.
Because the only thing stopping everyone in the world from spontaneously becoming homosexual is the inability to marry your partner.
Abortions would decrease.
First, I thought you'd be on board with this, non? Second, not likely, because HETEROSEXUALITY WILL STILL EXIST.
Planned Parenthood could finally change their name to Planned Promiscuity.
But...but I thought they were just a drive-in abortion clinic. Wouldn't they just have to close shop? Or are you finally admitting that they do more than just perform abortions?
The ideal "masculine man" would speak with a lisp, sport limp wrists, wear sleeveless Ts and leather short shorts.
Yeah, find the nearest leather bar, and accuse the first person you see there of being a limp wristed fag. You will likely not walk straight for a week. Hell, I could likely bench press your sorry ass.
The ideal "feminine woman" would sport crew-cuts, plaid shirts, and a pear-shaped body.
My sister is a lesbian. She's hipster, but hardly like anything you describe, and DEFINITELY not pear-shaped.
The Super Bowl would move to large urban airport restrooms.
Or perhaps the local Republican Chapter. OH SNAP!
The Sports Illustrated Swim Suit edition would feature two Teds, one Billy, and an angry Bertha.
What, jealous that your saggy ass can't pull off a Speedo?
The "battle of the sexes" would become a "battle for sex."
As opposed to...what, now?
More men holding men's hands in public; more men kissing men in public.
The horrors! No more shall Joe and Sue Newlywed have the monopoly on practically fucking in the produce aisle!
More women kissing women in public.
Sorry...wouldn't most straight men be on board with this? Might wanna omit this from your final manifesto.
"Tolerance" will continue to spread.
NOES! People will let other people live their own lives?! What will the world come to?!
Perversion will continue to increase.
Yes, people will do things you personally disagree with. Deal.
Men with men committing indecent acts will continue to increase.
No, it just likely won't be hidden in truck stops or parks at midnight.
Women exchanging the natural function for the unnatural will increase.
Like, what, using diaphragms...?
Men and women will increasingly see it less fit to acknowledge God.
Because Gay Christians don't exist. And if your faith cannot withstand the government not denying homosexuals rights, that says more about your faith than it does about us.
Depravity will continue to increase.
Didn't we cover this already? Or are you gonna make a distinction between "depravity" and "perversion?"
Hatred of God will continue to rise.
But I thought you said we weren't gonna acknowledge him...?
And opponents will be labeled bigots by those more "tolerant" than they.
Fine, give me one valid argument that doesn't boil down to "Gays are icky!," "The Bible says it's wrong," and "vague bad things are gonna happen, but I won't say what or how, just trust me on this," and I won't call you a bigot. As it stands, you guys just harp on how you are morally against it. Guess what? I don't give a flying fuck.