David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
America has forgotten the God of the Bible. In the 1960's we forgot God by removing prayer and the Bible from our schools. In the 1970's we forgot God by legalizing abortion in our hospitals. In the 1980's we forgot God by removing the Bible from our churches and replacing It with the corrupted New International Version (NIV) that removes the name above every other name, Jesus, in 38 places!!! In the 1990's America forgot God by introducing the vile "Gay Agenda" into society. And now in the new millennium we are facing the reality of legalized same-sex marriages and America just voted for a Communist U.S. president. Woe unto America!
To add insult to injury, on November 12, 2008 it was announced in the news that a humanist group is paying to have advertisements placed on public buses in the Washington D.C. area that read... "Why believe in a god? Just be good for goodness' sake" (actual bus ad is pictured in photo to right). The signs will run from the middle of November throughout December... That is so evil and sad. We read in Daniel 5:23, “...the God in whose hand thy breath is, and whose are all thy ways, hast thou not glorified.” It is a sad day in America, and clear evidence of the apostasy, when its citizens tolerate such messages in public, being taunted in our faces to provoke us. It is a shame!
This ad is incredibly insulting! Do you think you could get away with saying something like, “Why believe in Evolution?” Absolutely not! So why is it ok to attack Christian beliefs at one of the most important holidays for us? I think it is a despicable show of character on the part of the advertisers and the public transportation company which allowed this filth. It is also a horrible reflection on the mayor and leaders of Washington D.C.