Element115 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com
Searching on the surface of planets for Aliens/ET's or other being's will yield nothing. Any race that has evolved & mastered all the sciences (metallurgy, physics, astronomy etc.) have all learned that the surface of any object is the most dangerous & prone to all sorts of bombardments such as radiation, asteroids, comets, attacks from hostile groups etc. This is the reason we have reports of UFO's being seen going into our oceans & into our mountains. Admiral Byrd was taken into our earth by beings from another world who's technology has permitted them to thrive & come and go at will.
I'm sure every solid sphere in the vast galaxies have beings living beneath the safety of it's outer shell, we've known this for years & now even we are building massive underground complexes with the aid of some of these beings. Phil Schneider spoke about such things and turned up being suicided. Every ancient race speaks of ppl who dwell within out earth who on occasion have helped to keep man kind alive or teach and mentor us along the way.
Our government can claim we're throwing billions into the Mars rover but that's just one huge distraction, as NASA knows exactly what the end result will be - NOTHING.. We already have the technology to travel to the stars in a blink of an eye, but the common, surface dwelling man will perish as the slate is once again wiped clean..