WorldGoneCrazy #fundie

Here is a secular proof for the existence of Hell, your future home should you not repent:

1. Every natural innate human desire has a corresponding satisfying object in reality. (e.g., thirst has the object of water, hunger has the object of food, etc)

2. All humans possess a natural innate desire for objective moral justice to be satisfied.

3. Therefore, objective moral justice exists.

4. In some cases, objective moral justice is not satisfied in this lifetime. (e.g., Hitler, Stalin, Mao, unrepentant abortion "doctors," abortuary deathscorts, etc)

5. Therefore, objective moral justice is achieved in an afterlife.

6. Therefore, Hell exists.

What will it take for you to admit you were on the wrong side of the world’s worst holocaust in human history? Look in those dishes – those are the arms and legs and heads of dead babies floating there. If that is not enough to turn your heart, what is?!? What WILL it take?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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