Abo Mohammed #fundie ummah.com

An Important secret which protects you from all the jinn and Shayateen

In this article I will talk about a woman which was possesses by one of the worse type of jinn which we called the Marid. this jinn was subjecting this poor woman to deferent types of harm every day.

Her family took her to one of the scholars to do ruqyah and when the scholar saw the woman he said that she will need a long session as the jinn is strong and stubborn. Her family told him do whatever it is necessary and take as much time as you need, the important thing is to help her in getting rid off this jinn. The scholar started the session by reciting Surat Al baqarah and the jinn started talking on the woman's tongue saying to the scholar that he will not leave her even if he reads the hole Quran. The scholar told him, you will leave her with Allah's will, and he continued reading the Quran until he reached Surat Al Saffat and he mentioned the verse (?????? ?? ?? ????? ????) ,the jinn when he heard that verse said do not read this ayah again.

The scholar told the jinn I will continue reading it until you leave her body. and he continued reading it until the jinn was screaming and told the scholar I will leave her body only on one condition and that is I leave her to enter your body.

The scholar agreed on that condition as he was having a strong tahseen and he always make Adhkar in the Moring and evening so he is confidant that he has a strong protection from Allah. When the scholar agreed on the jinn's request the jinn started to cry and said I can not enter your body. The scholar asked him why?. the jinn said I can not because you have a strong fence from light surrounding you preventing me from coming near you.

this fence is there because you always mentioning the dikher ( ?? ??? ??? ???? ???? ?? ???? ?? ? ?? ????? ??? ????? ? ??? ??? ?? ??? ???? ) 100 times every day, and that dihker protects you from all jinn.

So what are these benefits if a person mentions this dihker 100 times a day?.

These benefits are as follows:

1- As he freed 10 humans from slavery or as he donated an equivalent to 100,000 dollar for the sake of Allah.

2-Allah will write 100 good deeds in that person's book. these good deeds nobody knows their magnitude except Allah.

3- Allah will wipe from this person's book 100 bad deeds.

4-It is a protection for this person that day from all jinn and Sayateen, and no one from them as powerful as he can be ,can come near him or harm him.

5- No one will come with a work better than what he did except a person who made the same dikher but with more repetition.



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