[Christians can only seem to throw out the same tired mischaracterizations, no matter how many times they've been corrected.]
Corrected by whom? Omniscient people or fallible human beings? Sorry, believing fallible minds only leads to more fallibility. Only fools seek out fallible minds.
So, you're turning to an ancient book of fairy tales, transcribed by desert-dwelling nomads and shephards, that has been translated, edited, censored, and added to time and time again over the course of the last several thousand years, interpreted differently by everyone who reads it, and with very little basis in historical fact, instead?
Mischaraterisation?, for example, that women are the source of sin, that blacks and minorities are the sons of Ham and meant to be ill-treated, that AIDS is a punishment to homosexual people, can I continue?
I got news for you, bud. All your "information" comes from fallible human beings, including whatever words you think God put in you. Or are you saying that you are infallible and can understand everything perfectly?
Well, I'd like to seek out omniscient people, but I can't seem to find any, certainly not between the covers of your holy bibble.
Curly: "I'm positive this will work!"
Moe: "Only fools are positive."
Larry: "Are you sure?"
Moe: "I'm positive!"
Okay, maybe Carico's on to something here, at least if it's humor she's after, but I don't know if the Three Stooges would be the best source of wisdom available.
~David D.G.
So, you're either saying that your omniscient God is only a person or that omniscient people exist somewhere.
Wise persons seek the counsel of fallible minds, we just try to choose the least fallible of the fallible minds. Please note, none of us are seeking the counsel of YOUR mind.
Carico says -
How anyone can adopt such a ludicrous and impossible notion that apes breed anything but apes & humans breed anything but humans. [they don't]
So are they [Wikipedia] claiming that the father of Abraham, was a neanderthal? [they didn't]
it's impossible for energy to be converted into mass. [it can]
Yet Evolutionists always claim that God is a figment of the imaginations of Christians. [they don't]
meteors are composed of ice and solid particles. [they aren't]
[if evolution were true] We'd all be breeding new species as offspring! [we wouldn't]
the rhinocerous was created to be amphibious. [it isn't]
God forbid any of these should be corrected by the fallible mind of man.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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